Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust Sued!! Medicare Fraud! Now 2 Lawsuits Filed Against these Corrupt Asbestos Trusts ( &
Insider Dealing, Concealment of Payments, Fraud (Eve Karasik – J.T. Thorpe, Inc.’s Corrupt Lawyer Involved!)…
It was just a matter of time before the Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust and the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Settlement Trust were sued. Just a matter of time…
Fraud, corruption and misappropriation of Asbestos Trust Funds have been the “norm” at the Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust and the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Settlement Trusts..
And no surprise – The lawyers involved? – none other than:
- Corrupt Oakland Asbestos Lawyer Steven Kazan- Kazan is ‘Fiduciary’ for ALL Asbestos Trusts – Victims with these Trusts, but has used the Trusts has his personal ‘piggy bank’ since confirmation – misappropriating nearly a Billion Dollars. Kazan has undoubtedly defrauded Medicare. Hundreds of millions….
- The “Queen of Perjury” – Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer Eve Karasik – Liar/Fraud

Eve Karasik – Perjurer and Trust Fiduciary Eve Karasik, The Biggest Fraud in Asbestos Trust – Perjurer, Stolen Millions
Here are the Lawsuits filed against the Asbestos Trusts –
MSP Recovery v. Thorpe Insulation- Medicare Fraud
Lawsuit v. J.T. Thorpe, Inc. – Medicare Fraud – July 13, 2021 –
Even the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) picked up on this Medicare Asbestos Trust Lawsuit Against J.T. Thorpe, Inc (and Thorpe Insulation)…
What is going to be interesting??? The Case is filed before Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond – Karasik’s longtime buddy…

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country – Sheri Bluebond – Biased – Can’t Follow the Law – Eve Karasik’s close buddy!!
Will Bluebond engage in criminal fraud/insider dealing to protect Karasik as she did in J.T. Thorpe, Inc. v. Mandelbrot? Time will tell…
Here is a Letter sent to “Judge” Sheri Blubond on July 22, 2021:
07.22.21 – Letter to Sheri Bluebond 07.22.21 – Letter to Sheri Bluebond
If the Lawyers suing the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Trust are astute – they will sue the Western Asbestos Settlement Trust, and Plant Insulation Settlement Trust as well…same actors, same Trustees, same Medicare fraud…
What’s sad? These Medicare lawsuits only cost victim’s monies – and Karasik, Kazan, Brayton et al. have already STOLEN BILLIONS…. No doubt Karasik will use J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Trust Funds (despite her “bad faith”) to defend the Trust and the Trustees….
No doubt some intense document shredding is taking place right now at the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Trust by J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Director of Claims Laura Paul (Reno’s con artist)…
Below are many examples of fraud involving J.T. Thorpe, Inc, Laura Paul, Alan Brayton, Steven Kazan, Sheri Bluebond, and Eve Karasik…
Order Detailing Alan Brayton ( Fraud
Trust Fiduciary Alan Brayton and Steve Sacks Collusion to Deceive DOJ
Snyder and Fergus (Brobeck) represented Debtor – Collusion with Brayton
– Judge Hanna Order Detailing Brayton Fictionalized Claims – HIDDEN BY EVE KARASIK TO PROTECT BRAYTON

10th Anniversary T-Shirt Party – Stolen Asbestos Victim’s Funds
Improper Relationship Detailed – Karasik and Bluebond
Brayton, Kazan, McClain and Snyder Stealing 47 Million from Trust Victims – J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Trust and other overseen by Bluebond and Karasik
Let’s hope this new case finally rids the Trust of “Corrupt Filth” – Kazan, Brayton, Karasik, Bluebond et al…