Articles Tagged with Sheri Bluebond

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50+ Individuals Engaging in Corruption: Asbestos Litigation and Asbestos Trusts – Insider Dealing, Theft of Trust Funds

The list below contains some of the worst, most corrupt, dishonest, bribable, and disgraceful individuals in America. Bottom-feeders. Collectively, these “bottom-feeders” have misappropriated at least $5 Billion dollars from Asbestos Disease Victims – the Victims they are all paid handsomely to protect. $5 Billion!!!

Do these “Dirty 50” care? Probably not. These are “soulless” individuals. Disgracefully acting with impunity and knowingly committing fraud — but they just don’t care. If you know any of these individuals below – be warned. Most are pathological liars. Each has knowingly stolen asbestos monies (or enabled the same).

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Ankura Consulting LLC – Fired from the Verus Asbestos Trusts (for conducting Sham Audits)

The chips are falling… Ankura Consulting LLC (Washington D.C.’s “Most Corrupt Company”) was FIRED from working for the Verus Asbestos Trusts! Why? No doubt for conducting “sham audits” of asbestos claims, insider dealing with Trust Advisory Committee members, and the excessive misappropriation of Asbestos Trust Funds (millions…).

There could not be a more corrupt company in Washington D.C. than Ankura Consulting LLC! Here are some details of Ankura’s corruption/criminal conduct over the past few years:

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Just Released!

The Most Corrupt Lawyers in America 2021 (Asbestos Litigation) –

America’s Top 10 Corrupt Lawyers – (Asbestos Litigation) – Bonus Members Too!!!

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Corruption in Washington, DC!! Ankura Consulting’s Gary Wingo!!

Ankura Consulting’s Gary Wingo Engages in Insider Dealing/Fraud (Asbestos Trusts) – Misappropriate Billions from Asbestos Victims Benefitting  Fraudster Plaintiff Lawyers-Steven Kazan and others…

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Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust Sued!! Medicare Fraud! Now 2 Lawsuits Filed Against these Corrupt Asbestos Trusts ( &

Insider Dealing, Concealment of Payments, Fraud (Eve Karasik – J.T. Thorpe, Inc.’s Corrupt Lawyer Involved!)…

It was just a matter of time before the Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust and the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Settlement Trust were sued. Just a matter of time…

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July 16, 2021 (Opinion)

Steven Kazan ( – The Criminal Element of Asbestos Company Bankruptcies & Asbestos Trusts


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Asbestos Trust Fraud – Ankura Consulting LLC Loses Venue Motion – Must Stand Trial in Mississippi for Conducting Sham Audits of Lawyers

Ankura Consulting LLC has been engaging in Asbestos Trust Fraud for Decades!!
But is it finally coming to an end?
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