Articles Tagged with Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge
Corrupt Judge Defined: Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond – Insider Dealing, Biased, Bribery – Rules solely based on “Friendship” with Litigants

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country – Sheri Bluebond – Biased – Can’t Follow the Law – Only rules for her “buddies”….
Everything about ‘sham’ Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond should be questioned. Bluebond is a complete fraud!
Let me introduce you to Judge Sheri Bluebond – Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge…Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who only rules favorably for litigants based on “who” is appearing before her and will completely ignore the Facts and Law when one of her “friends” is a Litigants? You got it! Has Judge Sheri Bluebond taken Bribes? Tacitly from ALL appearances…Was Sheri Bluebond a ‘willing participant’ in sexual harassment (from ‘serial’ former Chief Judge Alex Kozinski who interviewed Bluebond) just to get appointed to the Bench (since no one would ever elect her…)? Probably! Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who completely ignores the Law so she can rule for friends? Absolutely!! Despite rules prohibiting the appearance of “bias” and serving with Litigants on Boards of Directors, Bluebond maintains her seat on at least 3 Boards of Directors for Los Angeles Bankruptcy Organizations (presumably to take more bribes). Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who has her “favored parties/close buddies” write Orders for her months in advance so she can rule exactly for her favored parties? Yes. Only Bluebond. Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who will improperly exclude evidence for her non-favored parties? Absolutely!! She did it to me, thus harming thousands and thousands of Asbestos Victims solely for “bribery payback” to her buddies who were litigating. Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who is a pathological liar? Yes. Yes. Yes. Let me introduce you to Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond…
Sheri Bluebond – Corrupt Judge! Insider Dealer – Disgraceful Fraud!! (Los Angeles, California)
Sheri Bluebond – Corrupt Judge! Insider Dealer – Disgraceful Fraud!! (Los Angeles, California)

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country – Sheri Bluebond – Biased – Can’t Follow the Law – Only rules for her “buddies”….
Everything about ‘sham’ Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond should be questioned. Bluebond is a complete fraud!