Articles Tagged with David McClain Asbestos Fraud

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Running Log of Asbestos Trust Fraud – Corrupt Lawyers Harming Asbestos Victims Daily!!

August 25, 2020 (with entries added Daily)

Editor Note: It’s time to expose the overwhelming amount of Fraud, Bad Faith, Insider Dealing, and Criminal Conduct that takes place among Fiduciaries on a daily basis at Asbestos Trusts. Asbestos Trust List – All Trusts – Updated October 2019

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Bernie Madoff/Steven Kazan — Steven Kazan/Bernie Madoff.

The comparisons are undeniable. Both misappropriated billions of dollars. Both enriched friends/family at the expense of victims. Both held themselves out “pioneers” while committing vast fraud. Both will leave a legacy of fraud and bad faith impacting tens of  thousands of victims solely to enrich themselves. Unfortunately, only one of them is in jail. Madoff. The other (Kazan) continues to misappropriate funds from asbestos claimant. The difference? In every Asbestos Trust Kazan inserts a “License to Commit Fraud” thus allowing him to continue his wrath of dishonesty (i.e. …“No Asbestos Claimants’ Representative are to have or incur any liability to any Entity for any act or omissions arising out of the Chapter 11 cases or during the entirety of the Chapter 11 cases). 2 Criminals (although only one has been convicted – Madoff) – 2 “Losers” – 2 of the biggest fund frauds in history – 2 very bad individuals.

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Opinion based on 20 years of filing Asbestos Trust Claims – See full blog post on this topic – Updated September 4, 2017 (and as circumstances change)

The Asbestos Trust Mafia: Corrupt Lawyers Harming Present and Future Asbestos Victims

Note: This is a ‘story’ that has to be written. Billions and Billions of Dollars have been stolen by the individuals below. Billions. Each of the individuals below is tied to each other as an “Asbestos Trust Fiduciary”. Each is dishonest. Each commits fraud solely designed to misappropriate money from asbestos victims. Each is solely engaging in fraud to “line their own pockets”. Quite possibly “THE” most corrupt lawyers in the Country. The Asbestos Trust Mafia.
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Updated Regularly since the Asbestos Trust Corruption is ongoing….

Opinion (Michael J. Mandelbrot, 25 years Asbestos Plaintiff Attorney)

It’s Official – A Mafia exists in the world of Asbestos Litigation. I know because I worked at a “Mafia” member’s Firm, saw the activities first hand, and have now dealt with these corrupt Fiduciaries (the “Asbestos Trust Mafia”) for over 20 years. Nothing below would be printed were it not true and supported by factual and/or documentary evidence. For 30 years these dishonest lawyers have ‘raped’ Companies, Trusts, and Asbestos Victims to the tune of billions….

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Update October 2017: Nothing has changed since the original publishing. The site list for this Trust is a complete “sham” with Fiduciaries “concealing” thousands of thousands of known Unibestos sites and ships! The Goal of the Corrupt Fiduciaries: To steer as much of the Asbestos Victims PCC Trust Fund to themselves and co-conspirators. Attorneys Tom Florence, Alan Brayton and Steven Kazan and behind this mass fraud.

Notice re: Trust and Fiduciary Fraud — PCC Asbestos Trust


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