Articles Tagged with “Asbestos Bankruptcies”

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Steven Kazan and the rest of the Asbestos Trust Mafia Scramble to Conceal Fraud Amidst Department of Justice Investigations – Judge Sanctions Plaintiff Lawyers…

Asbestos Plaintiff Lawyers have to be scrambling. Every one of them. They have concealed fraudulent Asbestos Trust Claims, Excessive Payments, and outright  “lies” to thousands of Asbestos Defendants….and the former, now Bankrupt Asbestos Defendants know it!! And now the Bestwall has access to that Plaintiff lawyer fraud….this will get interesting….

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Updated Regularly since the Asbestos Trust Corruption is ongoing….

Opinion (Michael J. Mandelbrot, 25 years Asbestos Plaintiff Attorney)

It’s Official – A Mafia exists in the world of Asbestos Litigation. I know because I worked at a “Mafia” member’s Firm, saw the activities first hand, and have now dealt with these corrupt Fiduciaries (the “Asbestos Trust Mafia”) for over 20 years. Nothing below would be printed were it not true and supported by factual and/or documentary evidence. For 30 years these dishonest lawyers have ‘raped’ Companies, Trusts, and Asbestos Victims to the tune of billions….

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UPDATE 2/2016 – The fraud, racketeering and bad faith of Kathleen Campbell Davis continues. Not only is she misappropriating funds from the General Motors Asbestos Trust (improper billings), her suspension of thousands of valid claims (solely to harm a lawyer) is corrupt, a clear breach of her fiduciary duties and solely designed to harm beneficiaries she bills the Trust to protect. Campbell Davis remains one of the most despicable attorneys in the Country.

 Asbestos Trust Lawyer – Kathleen Campbell Davis (Campbell and Levine) – Racketeer – Fraud – Liar

If you have filed a claim with the General Motors (MLC) Trust or A.P. Green Trust – watch out – the lawyer overseeing this Trust is one of the most dishonest in the Country.

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July 14, 2015


Final Objection – Manville.pdf

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