J-M Manufacturing v. Simmons – Complaint 5.10.24 ILR-Briefly-Phila.-Asbestos-Case-Study
Articles Tagged with Ankura Consulting LLC
Steven Kazan Caught Concealing Expert Evidence in Mesothelioma Cases Unfavorable to His Clients — Furthers Expert Perjury
January 6, 2023

Steven Kazan – The Most Corrupt Asbestos Lawyer in America – NARCO Trust Fund Thief cost Asbestos Victims over $1B
Steve Kazan is well known around the Country as “The Most Corrupt Lawyer in America”. This largely stems from his criminal theft and breach of fiduciary duty relating Asbestos Trust Funds (over $2B). But now we know his Law Firm (Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood) also CONCEALS EXPERT EVIDENCE (tissue analysis) is Mesothelioma Lawsuits to further his fraud. And he got caught!!
Ankura Consulting LLC – Washington D.C’s Biggest Fraudsters in 2022 (ASBESTOS LITIGATION) – Over 20M Misappropriated in 2022
The Year 2022 proved to be Ankura Consulting LLC (Washington D.C.) biggest year of Fraud. Already having misappropriated nearly $100 Million from Asbestos Trusts through sham/fraudulent audits, insider dealing, and bad faith, the Year 2022 was undoubtedly Ankura’s largest misappropriation of Victim Trust Funds….
Here’s some examples of Ankura Consulting’s Corruption in 2022:
- Ankura lied to Judges, Litigants, and Trust Fiduciaries in Durham v. Ankura Consulting LLC where Ankura is being sued for Fiduciary Fraud, Bad Faith, Intentional Torts and many other wrongdoings. Here’s some documents – Complaint – Dr. Durham v. Ankura Consulting – SHAM AUDITS – MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS – Durham v. Ankura – Order Denying Ankura’s Venue Motion – Case Remains in Federal Bankrupcty Court in MS. Doc.164.Order denying Ankura’s Motion for Sanctions.DURHAM.04.07.22. How much in Asbestos Victim Trust funds has Ankura Consulting used for their sham defense of this case? At least $5 Million! At least!
Ankura Consulting’s (Washington D.C.) Insider Dealing, Criminal Conduct, & Corruption Cost Asbestos Victims Over $100,000,000.00
Ankura Consulting’s (Washington D.C.) Insider Dealing, Criminal Conduct, & Corruption Cost Asbestos Victims Over $100,000,000.00
Ankura Consulting LLC (Washington D.C.) and it’s Principal Fraudster Gary Wingo best described as Criminals. In fact, Ankura Consulting and Gary Wingo may just be Washington D.C’s biggest criminal yet…..
Ankura Consulting’s Gary Wingo is a Criminal!! Has Misappropriated Billions from Asbestos Victims (Asbestos Trusts)
Ankura Consulting’s Gary Wingo is a Criminal!! Has Misappropriated Billions from Asbestos Victims (Asbestos Trusts)
Gary Wingo best described as the “shit stain” in your underwear. Ankura Consulting LLC’s Gary Wingo may just be Washington D.C’s biggest criminal yet.
D.C’s Most Corrupt Organization Defendant Ankura Consulting LLC Desperately Fighting to Continue Trial – Durham v. Ankura Consulting LLC.
D.C’s Most Corrupt Organization Defendant Ankura Consulting LLC Desperately Fighting to Continue Trial – Durham v. Ankura Consulting LLC.
The case will go to Trial soon enough….despite Ankura Consulting and Gary Wingo above desperately fighting (and wasting millions in asbestos victim’s funds)….to keep the case from Trial…
Ankura Consulting Sham Audits and Criminal Conduct Continues Despite Facing Multiple Lawsuits
Washington D.C.’s Ankura Consulting LLC’s Criminal Conduct Continues – Asbestos Trusts Fund Theft
Despite multiple lawsuits being filed against Ankura Consulting LLC in 2021 for “sham audits” by noted and esteemed radiologists and physicians in 2021, Washington D.C.’s Ankura Consulting LLC’s is continuing its criminal conduct in 2022.
More sham audits of lawyers and Doctors are coming in 2022. My office has already received multiple “sham” audit requests.
50+ Individuals Engaging in Corruption: Asbestos Litigation and Asbestos Trusts – Insider Dealing, Theft of Trust Funds
50+ Individuals Engaging in Corruption: Asbestos Litigation and Asbestos Trusts – Insider Dealing, Theft of Trust Funds
The list below contains some of the worst, most corrupt, dishonest, bribable, and disgraceful individuals in America. Bottom-feeders. Collectively, these “bottom-feeders” have misappropriated at least $5 Billion dollars from Asbestos Disease Victims – the Victims they are all paid handsomely to protect. $5 Billion!!!
Do these “Dirty 50” care? Probably not. These are “soulless” individuals. Disgracefully acting with impunity and knowingly committing fraud — but they just don’t care. If you know any of these individuals below – be warned. Most are pathological liars. Each has knowingly stolen asbestos monies (or enabled the same).
Ankura Consulting’s Gary Wingo is a Criminal!! Has Misappropriated Billions from Asbestos Victims – Violated Department of Justice Rules
Ankura Consulting’s Gary Wingo is a Criminal!! Has Misappropriated Billions from Asbestos Victims
Gary Wingo best described as the “shit stain” in your underwear. Ankura Consulting LLC’s Gary Wingo may just be Washington D.C’s biggest criminal yet.