Articles Tagged with Alan Brayton

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August 2023

40 Years of Fraud – Alan Brayton (Brayton Purcell) – California’s Most Corrupt Lawyer – Criminal Theft, Fraud, Insider Dealing


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Mesothelioma Attorneys Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton Have Pulled The Largest Con (Theft) in Legal History –

Far Worse than Thomas Girardi…

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January 6, 2023

The Biggest theft is U.S. History is Taking Place at Asbestos Trusts – Steven Kazan is the Ringleader…

Over $50B ($Billion) has been contributed to Asbestos Trust Funds by ‘bankrupt’ Asbestos Companies. There are over 50 active Asbestos Trust Funds runs by “Fiduciaries” (Trustees, Plaintiff Lawyers, Futures Representatives, Professional) who are paid millions of dollars to ensure that 2 Fundamental Rules inĀ every Asbestos TrustĀ documents approved by Bankruptcy Courts.

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The Year 2022 proved to be Ankura Consulting LLC (Washington D.C.) biggest year of Fraud. Already having misappropriated nearly $100 Million from Asbestos Trusts through sham/fraudulent audits, insider dealing, and bad faith, the Year 2022 was undoubtedly Ankura’s largest misappropriation of Victim Trust Funds….

Here’s some examples of Ankura Consulting’s Corruption in 2022:

  1. Ankura lied to Judges, Litigants, and Trust Fiduciaries inĀ Durham v. Ankura Consulting LLCĀ where Ankura is being sued for Fiduciary Fraud, Bad Faith, Intentional Torts and many other wrongdoings. Here’s some documents –Ā Complaint – Dr. Durham v. Ankura Consulting – SHAM AUDITS – MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDSDurham v. Ankura – Order Denying Ankura’s Venue Motion – Case Remains in Federal Bankrupcty Court in MS. Doc.164.Order denying Ankura’s Motion for Sanctions.DURHAM.04.07.22. How much in Asbestos Victim Trust funds has Ankura Consulting used for their sham defense of this case? At least $5 Million! At least!
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Asbestos Trust Corruption – Cronyism, Insider Dealing, and Fraud by Fiduciaries Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton – Over $2,000,000,000.00 (BILLION) Misappropriated…Asbestos Victims Lose….

Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries are a “Pack of Frauds”….every single one of them!

The worst of them all are Plaintiff Lawyers Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. By far! Kazan and Brayton are ‘supposed’ to be Fiduciaries for victims, not the biggest white collar criminals in the Country. But they’ve chosen the latter.

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Asbestos Trust Corruption – Cronyism, Insider Dealing, and Fraud by Fiduciaries Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton – Over $2,000,000,000.00 (BILLION) Misappropriated…Asbestos Victims Lose….

Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries are a “Pack of Frauds”….every single one of them!

The worst of them all areĀ  Plaintiff Lawyers Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. By far!

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Asbestos Trust Corruption – Cronyism, Insider Dealing, and Fraud by Fiduciaries Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton – Over $2,000,000,000.00 (BILLION) Misappropriated…Asbestos Victims Lose….

Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries are a “Pack of Frauds”….every single one of them!

The worst of them all are Plaintiff Lawyers Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. By far!

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