January 6, 2023

Steven Kazan – The Most Corrupt Asbestos Lawyer in America – NARCO Trust Fund Thief cost Asbestos Victims over $1B
Steve Kazan is well known around the Country as “The Most Corrupt Lawyer in America”. This largely stems from his criminal theft and breach of fiduciary duty relating Asbestos Trust Funds (over $2B). But now we know his Law Firm (Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood) also CONCEALS EXPERT EVIDENCE (tissue analysis) is Mesothelioma Lawsuits to further his fraud. And he got caught!!
See Page 30 – Note 24 of the Attached Document – Complaint Against Kazan’s Expert (Dr. Moline) – Concealing Evidence – Fraud – See Page 30 – Note 24.
Here’s the quote – “In one case against LTL (Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder), plaintiffs’ law firm Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood hid it’s expert’s tissue analysis because he found no asbestos! Kazan never produced its expert’s tissue analysis because he found no asbestos. The firm never produced the expert’s voluminous analysis even though it was required to be disclosed under both the relevant California rules of evidence and case-specific deposition notice. And while the expert testified under oath that he did not know whether he ever tested the specific plaintiff’s tissue, emails later leave no question that he did and knew that did at the time of the false testimony (brought forth by Kazan).”
Every verdict by Steven Kazan and his office should be reviewed after this deplorable fraud. How many millions have been ‘lost’ to Asbestos Victims because of the monies spent by Kazan furthering fraud? $1Billion…easy…
And thankfully, he finally got caught!!
If you are someone diagnosed with mesothelioma – DO NOT HIRE STEVE KAZAN or his Law Firm Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood – You will be furthering fraud, supporting the concealment of evidence, and harming every future Mesothelioma victim…
Hire the “Last Honest Mesothelioma Attorney in America” – Michael J. Mandelbrot……the only one in the Country not afraid to stand up for victims and fight Kazan’s deplorable fraud….

America’s Top Mesothelioma Lawyer – Michael J. Mandelbrot; Michael J. Mandelbrot – Lawyer of Distinction 2022