• The Asbestos Legal Center will ensure you receive the best legal representation available
  • The Asbestos Legal Center has recovered over $80,000,000 for victims of Asbestos Diseases
  • Over $30,000,000,000 available to victims of Asbestos Diseases
  • Mesothelioma? Call the Asbestos Legal Center for Top Notch Assistance
  • Free Information and an Attorney Evaluation for all Callers
  • Asbestos Legal Center Attorneys Standing By to Assist You!
  • Lung Cancer from Asbestos? We can help!
  • The silent killer - Asbestos Diseases and Cancers - Call the Asbestos Legal Center
  • Over 20 years Experience Representing Victims of Asbestos Diseases - The Asbestos Legal Center
  • We have documents (over 1,000,000 pages) for nearly all Asbestos companies!
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Bates White – Time to Investigate Ankura Consulting LLC as part of the DBMP LLC Bankruptcy – Mass Fraud

March 28, 2022

Re: United States Bankruptcy Court, Western District of North Carolina, Case No. 20-30080 (JCW); Subpoena to Produce Documents; Bates White LLC Investigation of Ankura Consulting LLC

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Washington D.C.’s Ankura Consulting LLC’s Criminal Conduct Continues – Asbestos Trusts Fund Theft

Despite multiple lawsuits being filed against Ankura  Consulting LLC in 2021 for “sham audits” by noted and esteemed radiologists and physicians in 2021, Washington D.C.’s Ankura Consulting LLC’s is continuing its criminal conduct in 2022.

More sham audits of lawyers and Doctors are coming in 2022. My office has already received multiple “sham” audit requests.

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Steven-Kazan-The-Face-of-Asbestos-Trust-Corruption-and-Fraud-214x300Steven Kazan & Alan Brayton – Corrupt Lawyers of the Year 2021-2022

The results are in. There are 2 Winners for the “Corrupt Lawyer of the Year 2021-2022”. And the winners  of the Corrupt Lawyers of Year 2021-2022 are California Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. And the voting wasn’t even close…..

Think about this! Every present and future victim of asbestos diseases in the United States will receive less money than they are entitled to because of 2 very corrupt lawyers – Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. Every single one. Every victim of mesothelioma. Every victim of lung cancer. Every victim of asbestosis will receive less recovery because of the brazen, insider dealing, Department of Justice violating theft of Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. Every single victim from not until ……well, forever. You simply can’t just ‘replace’ the Billions of dollars these two have misappropriated. Sure they had dozens of “enablers”, insiders, and other Fiduciaries assisting (i.e. Ankura Consulting, Anne McMillan, Mary Ellen Nickel, Most every Asbestos Trustee and Futures Rep..), but “Kings of the Corrupt Castle” are Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton.

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Asbestos Trust Corruption “Hall of Fame” – 50 Disgraceful Individuals Engaged in Corruption

The list below contains some of the worst, most corrupt, dishonest, bribable, and disgraceful individuals in America. Bottom-feeders. Collectively, these “bottom-feeders” have misappropriated at least $5 Billion dollars from Asbestos Disease Victims – the Victims they are all paid handsomely to protect. $5 Billion!!!

Do these “Dirty 50” care? Probably not. These are “soulless” individuals. Disgracefully acting with impunity and knowingly committing fraud — but they just don’t care. If you know any of these individuals below – be warned. Most are pathological liars. Each has knowingly stolen asbestos monies (or enabled the same).

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50+ Individuals Engaging in Corruption: Asbestos Litigation and Asbestos Trusts – Insider Dealing, Theft of Trust Funds

The list below contains some of the worst, most corrupt, dishonest, bribable, and disgraceful individuals in America. Bottom-feeders. Collectively, these “bottom-feeders” have misappropriated at least $5 Billion dollars from Asbestos Disease Victims – the Victims they are all paid handsomely to protect. $5 Billion!!!

Do these “Dirty 50” care? Probably not. These are “soulless” individuals. Disgracefully acting with impunity and knowingly committing fraud — but they just don’t care. If you know any of these individuals below – be warned. Most are pathological liars. Each has knowingly stolen asbestos monies (or enabled the same).

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Washington D.C.’s Ankura Consulting LLC’s Criminal Conduct Continues – Asbestos Trusts Fund Theft

Despite multiple Lawsuits being filed against Ankura  Consulting LLC in 2021 for “sham audits” by noted and esteemed radiologists and physicians in 2021, Washington D.C.’s Ankura Consulting LLC’s is continuing its criminal conduct in 2022. More sham audits of lawyers and Doctors are coming in 2022. My office has already received multiple “sham” audit requests. And another noted Radiologist has received word he’s been “targeted” in 2022 by Ankura….could Ankura Consulting LLC. be a worse company? Can someone please show me another company that has misappropriated BILLIONS of dollars like Ankura Consulting LLC? Doubtful you can find a more corrupt company on this planet….(Bernie Madoff was close…).

Ankura Consulting LLC has already (2010-present) misappropriated BILLIONS of dollars from Asbestos Trust Fund Victims by conducting sham audits and misappropriating Asbestos Trust Funds (through insider dealing and excessive payments) to their “favored” Law Firms (Steve Kazan). While the Department of Justice wholly prohibits this conduct, Ankura Consulting completely ignores theses rules. And nobody does anything. For example, Department of Justice Rules prohibit Fiduciaries from being an “interested party” – Ankura, by billing Trusts at least $50 million dollars per year and serving in various Trust Fiduciary capacities (Futures Representative etc..) are an interested party. The Department of Justice Rules prohibit “schemes” to misappropriate Asbestos Trust Funds (these audits are a scheme…). “Favoritism” is prohibited. Why does Steven Kazan and others (and their fraudulent exposure evidence) receive a “pass” from audits? Ankura “favors” Steven Kazan. Ankura Consulting, through insider dealing with Asbestos Trust  (DCPF) Counsel Marla Eskin (Campbell & Levine), has misappropriated at least $500 million to Steven Kazan alone. As a result, EVERY victim of Asbestos Disease receives less than they should.

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Steven-Kazan-The-Face-of-Asbestos-Trust-Corruption-and-Fraud-214x300Steven Kazan & Alan Brayton – Corrupt Lawyers of the Year 2021-2022

The results are in. There are 2 Winners for the “Corrupt Lawyer of the Year 2021-2022”. And the winners  of the Corrupt Lawyers of Year 2021-2022 are California Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. And the voting wasn’t even close…..

Think about this! Every present and future victim of asbestos diseases in the United States will receive less money than they are entitled to because of 2 very corrupt lawyers – Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. Every single one. Every victim of mesothelioma. Every victim of lung cancer. Every victim of asbestosis will receive less recovery because of the brazen, insider dealing, Department of Justice violating theft of Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. Every single victim from not until ……well, forever. You simply can’t just ‘replace’ the Billions of dollars these two have misappropriated. Sure they had dozens of “enablers”, insiders, and other Fiduciaries assisting (i.e. Ankura Consulting, Anne McMillan, Mary Ellen Nickel, Most every Asbestos Trustee and Futures Rep..), but “Kings of the Corrupt Castle” are Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton.

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Ankura Consulting’s Gary Wingo is a Criminal!! Has Misappropriated Billions from Asbestos Victims


Gary Wingo – Certified Criminal Fraudster – Ankura Consulting

Gary Wingo best described as the “shit stain” in your  underwear. Ankura Consulting LLC’s Gary Wingo may just be Washington D.C’s  biggest criminal yet.

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