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  • The Asbestos Legal Center has recovered over $80,000,000 for victims of Asbestos Diseases
  • Over $30,000,000,000 available to victims of Asbestos Diseases
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  • The silent killer - Asbestos Diseases and Cancers - Call the Asbestos Legal Center
  • Over 20 years Experience Representing Victims of Asbestos Diseases - The Asbestos Legal Center
  • We have documents (over 1,000,000 pages) for nearly all Asbestos companies!
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2017 Exemplified Asbestos Trust Fraud and the Concealment of Asbestos Job Sites. Defined it.

Fiduciary Fraud took place at nearly EVERY Asbestos Trust in the Country in 2017. The goal of the Fiduciaries? Divert as much money to the themselves, interested parties and “favored” Asbestos Claimant’s Committee Members. The leaders in the fraud? The “Asbestos Trust Mafia” (see my prior posts). The leaders? Steven Kazan, Alan Brayton, Tom Florence, Stephen Snyder, Gary Fergus, Michael Ahrens and a host of other “crooks” misappropriating Asbestos Victims’ funds. Despicable lawyers? Without question! But in 2017 – the fraud continued. Robust and Rampant.

Name the Trust and I will show you fraud. Owens Corning? Yes. Western Asbestos? The ‘billion dollar’ fraud! Thorpe Insulation? Concealment of thousands of ships. Other Trusts where thousands of Asbestos Sites Concealed to Defraud Present and Future Victims? ACandS, Yarway, Plant Insulation, A.P. Green, Fibreboard, USG….just to name a few.

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December 18, 2017


Let Justice Roll On Like a River, Righteousness Like A Never-Failing Stream….(James Comey, quoting Amos 5:24)….

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A misappropriation of victims funds took place in grand proportion on December 12, 2017. A simple hearing took place before Judge Sheri Bluebond where no more than one lawyer is needed.

So how many did the Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe Settlement Trusts send? – 10 Lawyers!

Yes – 10 lawyers were sent by the Thorpe Insulation and the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Settlement Trust for a 15 min hearing!! A gross misappropriation of funds by a pack of frauds. 7 in Courtroom – 3 on the telephone.  The Thorpe Trusts needed one lawyerthey sent 10!

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How Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton Misappropriated Billions from Asbestos Trust Funds in 4 Simple Steps

The “Methods” of Corruption of 2 California Asbestos Lawyers

Every present and future victim of asbestos diseases will receive less money because of 2 very corrupt lawyers – Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. Look in any Asbestos Trust By-Laws and Trust Distribution Procedures and you will find them. Collectively, Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton control nearly every Asbestos Trust in the Country (approximately 30 Trusts totaling nearly $30 BILLION dollars). They are “Fiduciaries” for the victims of asbestos diseases. But on each Trust, Kazan and Brayton breach that “Fiduciary Duty”. Insider dealing? Yes! Concealment of Asbestos Trust sites? Yes. Collusion? Yes. The net result? The misappropriation of BILLIONS of dollars to Kazan and Brayton.

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For years it has been taking place: Fraud – Bad Faith – Concealment of Asbestos Companies Liability Sites!

This week’s example – The Kaiser Aluminum Asbestos Settlement Trust (KACC – Kaiser Refractories) – A Trust with over $600 million in assets being corrupted by Alan Brayton, Steven Kazan, Bob Capritti, Kimberly Lavin, Dan Myer and a host of other “Fiduciaries” conspiring to engage in fraud and concealment. 

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November 3, 2016

Corrupt Asbestos Trust Lawyers Attempt to Have Mandelbrot Blog Posts Removed

The letters keep coming. I’ve attached copies of some of them below.

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An Example of Asbestos Trust Fraud and the Concealment of Documents – The G-I (GAF) Asbestos Settlement Trust

This a perfect example of Asbestos Trust Fraud and the Concealment of Documents – The G-I (GAF) Asbestos Settlement Trust!

The G-I Asbestos Settlement Trust (Verus LLC) has the Invoices of GAF and Ruberoid depicting decades of sales of asbestos products! They have them! Thousands and Thousands of invoices. But do the Beneficiaries get to see these asbestos liability documents….documents Verus has a “Fiduciary Duty to Produce to Beneficiaries? NO.

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Have you seen the new Complaint filed by the Manville Trust lawyer Jason Rubinstein against the Thorpe Insulation Settlement Trust (www.tistrust.com)  and its corrupt lawyers Snyder, Miller & Orton (Stephen Snyder)?

Here it is: Manville Trust v. Thorpe Insulation Trust Complaint

This is too good to be true.

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Alan Brayton – Harvey Weinstein. The comparisons are undeniable. How do I know? I saw it from the inside from the years  1994 to 1999. I worked at Alan Brayton’s office and knew him well. Disgusting, despicable, and used intimidation to harass sexually.

Like with Harvey Weinstein’s companies, at Brayton Purcell – Sexual harassment and intimidation were the norm. The leader – Alan Brayton. I observed it on many, many occasions. Everyone knew to avoid the ‘corner’ office after 3-4 p.m. because that’s when the alcohol flowed the sexual harassment began. It was perverse, and deviant. Example of what I personally witnessed or am aware of:

  1. A drunk Alan Brayton cornering a 19 year old female multiple times in a sexual and perverse manner.
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EVERY TRUST! Every Trust in which Steven Kazan and  Alan Brayton are Fiduciaries, there is corruption taking place. Every one. Who loses? Asbestos Victims! While these ‘lawyers’ champion themselves as advocates for victims of asbestos disease, the “Truth” is that they have misappropriated BILLIONS of dollars from Asbestos Victims and that every present and future victim of asbestos disease will receive ‘less’ recovery because of the fraud of these two individuals. So how do they do it?

One method is crystal clear —


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