Washington D.C.’s Ankura Consulting LLC’s Criminal Conduct Continues – Asbestos Trusts Fund Theft
Despite multiple Lawsuits being filed against Ankura Consulting LLC in 2021 for “sham audits” by noted and esteemed radiologists and physicians in 2021, Washington D.C.’s Ankura Consulting LLC’s is continuing its criminal conduct in 2022. More sham audits of lawyers and Doctors are coming in 2022. My office has already received multiple “sham” audit requests. And another noted Radiologist has received word he’s been “targeted” in 2022 by Ankura….could Ankura Consulting LLC. be a worse company? Can someone please show me another company that has misappropriated BILLIONS of dollars like Ankura Consulting LLC? Doubtful you can find a more corrupt company on this planet….(Bernie Madoff was close…).
Ankura Consulting LLC has already (2010-present) misappropriated BILLIONS of dollars from Asbestos Trust Fund Victims by conducting sham audits and misappropriating Asbestos Trust Funds (through insider dealing and excessive payments) to their “favored” Law Firms (Steve Kazan). While the Department of Justice wholly prohibits this conduct, Ankura Consulting completely ignores theses rules. And nobody does anything. For example, Department of Justice Rules prohibit Fiduciaries from being an “interested party” – Ankura, by billing Trusts at least $50 million dollars per year and serving in various Trust Fiduciary capacities (Futures Representative etc..) are an interested party. The Department of Justice Rules prohibit “schemes” to misappropriate Asbestos Trust Funds (these audits are a scheme…). “Favoritism” is prohibited. Why does Steven Kazan and others (and their fraudulent exposure evidence) receive a “pass” from audits? Ankura “favors” Steven Kazan. Ankura Consulting, through insider dealing with Asbestos Trust (DCPF) Counsel Marla Eskin (Campbell & Levine), has misappropriated at least $500 million to Steven Kazan alone. As a result, EVERY victim of Asbestos Disease receives less than they should.
How Ankura has Misappropriated BILLIONS in Asbestos Trust Funds in 4 Steps:
Step 1 –
Conspire with Trust Counsel (Marla Eskin), Asbestos Trusts (DCPF’s Mary Ellen Nickel), and Trust Fiduciaries (the “TAC” or “ACC”) to conduct extensive audits of Asbestos Law Firms (such as mine) who are “not” TAC (Trust Advisory Committee) Law Firms or Asbestos Claimant’s Committee (ACC) Law Firms and their Counsel Caplin and Drysdale (Ann McMillan). TAC/ACC Members receive 85% of all Trust Funds.
Ankura’s Fraud in Step 1? Disguising the audit as legitimate by sending boilerplate letters and utilizing Marla Eskin and Ann McMillan to send “official” letters to Law Firms and/or radiologists regarding the (sham) audits. Everyone KNOWS these audits are designed to misappropriate Trust Funds and harass Counsel (and Radiologists).
Step 2 –
Conspire with Mary Ellen Nickel and Marla Eskin to determine a) What “non” TAC/ACC Law Firms are filing the most claims; and b) What radiologists are they using?
Ankura’s Fraud in Step 2? Since TAC/ACC Member (Steven Kazan, Kazan McClain) receive a “pass” from Audits, Ankura is not auditing the MOST IMPORTANT and Most Valuable Evidence submitted to the Trust – “Exposure Evidence of Kazan McClain’s claims”
Step 3
Ankura ‘bills’ Asbestos Trusts tens of millions of dollars to conduct these sham Audits which is then paid by DCPF’s Mary Ellen Nickel (from Trust Funds!!!!). Ankura Consulting bills Asbestos Trusts at least $50,000.00 for each of the 1000 yearly “audits” they conduct. 90% of the claims being audited are worth less than $1000.00
Ankura’s Fraud in Step 3? Not even auditing the correct evidence. What results in billions being paid out of Asbestos Trusts are (sham) affidavits filed by Kazan, McClain (Steven Kazan) as evidence of “exposure to Asbestos”. The affidavits are often fraudulent from Kazan, but ignored by Ankura.
Step 4
Ankura Consulting LLC, in collusion with Mary Ellen Nickel, Marla Eskin and the ACC/TAC inform reputable Doctors and Lawyers that they have “failed” the audits are banned from Asbestos Trusts.
Ankura’s Fraud in Step 4? Not conducting “neutral” audits using “neutral” Doctors as required by ALL Trust Rules. And not reviewing any TAC/ACC exposure evidence. In fact, Ankura Consulting LLC specifically hires biased Doctors who have ONLY worked for Defense Lawyers and are paid to find the results Ankura (and the TAC/ACC) desires.
So why would the TAC/ACC (Steven Kazan) collude to ‘ban’ reputable Doctors and Lawyers who also help Asbestos-Disease Victims? Greed. Pure Greed. Criminal greed. Disgraceful conduct. Theft. Fraud. It’s what makes Steven Kazan “The Most Corrupt Lawyer in America”.
So who is biggest CRIMINAL at Ankura Consulting LLC? GARY WINGO. This “shit stain” (which is really an insult to shit stains) Gary Wingo is involved in ALL criminal conduct at Ankura Consulting LLC. No lawyer in America has engaged in more fraud than Gary Wingo with regards to Asbestos Trusts (except Steven Kazan).
Sham Ankura Audit Request – Boilerplate Letter Requesting Audit of Claims – Example

Dishonest Lawyer – Ankura’s “Puppet” – Worse Person – Campbell and Levine’s Marla Eskin – Has Misappropriated BILLIONS from Asbestos Victims – Should be Disbarred
Here’s Ankura’s Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/company/ankura-consulting-group/
History of Sham Ankura Audits:
January 2014 – Sham Audit of Mandelbrot Law Firm – Mandelbrot Law Firm ‘banned’ from DCPF Trusts – Cost to Asbestos Victims:– Hundreds of Millions of Dollars. The “last honest asbestos plaintiff lawyer” couldn’t submit with certain Trusts. In addition, Ankura, the Trusts and their Counsel (Eve Karasik, Morgan Lewis) spent at LEAST $4 Million dollars (of Victim’s money) coming after me.
January 2018 – Sham Audit of Dr. William Durham. Durham banned from DCPF Trusts. Over 9000 claims immediately withdrawn by DCPF Trusts – Cost to Asbestos Victims: Hundreds of Millions of Dollars. Dr. Durham sued Ankura. Case ongoing.
January 2019-2020 – Sham Audits of Dr. Mark Klepper, Dr. Harry Smith and Dr. Donald Breyer result in the banning of these Doctors (from submitting reports) to the DCPF Trusts (10+ Trusts). Over 15,000 (legitimate) claims are immediately wiped out. Cost to Asbestos Victims: Billions. While Ankura has billed Asbestos Trusts no less than $100 Million to perform these sham (criminal) audits.
Net results of sham audits:
1) Hundreds of Millions of $$$ Misappropriated to Ankura (this is criminal!!);
2) Billions in Trust funds criminally diverted to Steven Kazan (Kazan McLain….”hey, now that we’ve banned professionals and doctors at your request, there is more $$$ for you Mr. Kazan….”…)
3) 5 esteemed professionals with over 175 years total of professional accomplishments – get banned from Trusts and their reputations harmed. Solely due to Ankura and their shit stain employee Gary Wingo coordinating with equally disgraceful Steven Kazan.