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Asbestos Trust Corruption and Fraud Runs Rampant in 2020 – Here are the Lawyers Involved in Extensive Asbestos Trust Fund Fraud

The “Dirty 30” – 30 Corrupt Asbestos Trust Lawyers who are ALL engaging in Insider Dealing and Fraud! 

The Corruption and Fraud is literally mind-blowing! Billions of Dollars have been misappropriated from Asbestos Trust Funds by the Lawyers below. Billions! One lawyer below (Steven Kazan) has easily misappropriated over a Billion dollars alone… These Asbestos Trust Fund monies were supposed to be for Victims – NOT LAWYERS. But the lawyers below – clearly see otherwise! Decades of theft and fraud. 60 Minutes could easily do a piece on this mass asbestos trust fund fraud.

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“The Dirty 30” – 30 Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Lawyers Engaging in Fraud, Collusion, Breach of Trust, and Misappropriation of Trust Funds

They are all guilty. Every one of them. Collusion, Breach of Trust, Favoritism and Fraud.

Corrupt Lawyer

Example A – Corrupt Lawyer Defined – Kathleen Campbell Davis – – NEVER HIRE THIS LAWYER OR FIRM.

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We always knew that (former) Western Asbestos Trust Executive Director  Sara Beth Brown was a liar, a fraud, a perjurer…..and Reno’s biggest thief. She rarely worked, yet stole millions from the Western Asbestos Trust in sham billings and insider dealings.

Prior to her “retirement” in 2019 (she was presumably “fired”), Brown had misappropriated billions (in victim’s funds) to corrupt plaintiff lawyers (Alan Brayton/Steven Kazan) so they’d always ‘look the other way’ when Brown was stealing. And steal she did….

But we are now learning that Sara Beth Brown is also a boss who batters co-workers….in this case – Constance Salerno – Trust Employee…

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Opinion – 10/18/2019Steven-Kazan-The-Face-of-Asbestos-Trust-Corruption-and-Fraud-214x300California’s Most Corrupt Lawyer – Steven Kazan

Steven Kazan – California’s Most Corrupt Lawyer – Insider Dealing, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Fraud

Steven Kazan. Decades of fraud. At least. And still occurring to this very day. One cannot overstate the amount of fraud, racketeering and bad faith Kazan has been involved in. Likened to a Mafia Leader. Cartel Kingpin of Asbestos Litigation. There’s Steven Kazan.

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Sara Beth Brown “Retires” as Department of Justice Investigations Heat Up – For 15 Years – Brown Misappropriated Asbestos Victims Funds

First the Western Asbestos Settlement Trust Managing Trustee Stephen Snyder “retired” as Department of Justice Investigations intensified.

Now the Executive Director of Western Asbestos Settlement Trust – Sara Beth Brown has “retired” too. 

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Steven Kazan and the rest of the Asbestos Trust Mafia Scramble to Conceal Fraud Amidst Department of Justice Investigations – Judge Sanctions Plaintiff Lawyers…

Asbestos Plaintiff Lawyers have to be scrambling. Every one of them. They have concealed fraudulent Asbestos Trust Claims, Excessive Payments, and outright  “lies” to thousands of Asbestos Defendants….and the former, now Bankrupt Asbestos Defendants know it!! And now the Bestwall has access to that Plaintiff lawyer fraud….this will get interesting….

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Corrupt Asbestos Trust Fiduciary Stephen Snyder Resigns Amid Department of Justice Investigation!

Stephen-Snyder-Corrupt-LawyerStephen Snyder – Corrupt Lawyer Resigns Amid DOJ Investigations!!

The “Devil” is finally gone. Stephen Snyder is resigning from all Asbestos Trusts.

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April 30, 2019 – Fraud – J.T. Thorpe Annual Report

We are witnessing the “definition” of corruption, fraud, and bad faith at the billion dollar J.T. Thorpe, Inc. and Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Trusts

Day after day, Fiduciaries/Trustees are committing fraud at the Trust. And the 2019 Annual Report for the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Trust is the perfect example!! see –  2019 J.T. Thorpe Annual Report Fraud – Identical Fraud in Thorpe Insulation

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Reno’s Biggest Asbestos Trust “Scammers” – Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown – Liars/Frauds/Trust Fund Thieves

The “Biggest Little City in the World” (Reno, NV) also contains the “Biggest Asbestos Trust Fund Scammers” in the World:  Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown. 

Simply calling these two (Paul and Brown) disgraceful and dishonest would be compliment. One cannot understate the immense fraud committed by Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown.

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