Corrupt Asbestos Trust Fiduciary Stephen Snyder Resigns Amid Department of Justice Investigation!
Stephen Snyder – Corrupt Lawyer Resigns Amid DOJ Investigations!!
The “Devil” is finally gone. Stephen Snyder is resigning from all Asbestos Trusts.
Stephen Snyder – Corrupt Lawyer Resigns Amid DOJ Investigations!!
The “Devil” is finally gone. Stephen Snyder is resigning from all Asbestos Trusts.
Asbestos Trusts have mismanaged for decades. Fraud, collusion, concealment, and favoritism is the norm at EVERY Asbestos Trust. Former Judges using Trusts as their “Golden Parachute” (Alfred Wolin, Ken Kawaichi). Even worse, current Judges (Sheri Bluebond) using Trust funds for her “reappointment”. And far worse, dozens of ‘former Asbestos Defense Lawyers’ billing Trusts millions.
But now the Department of Justice has ‘moved in’. Here are samples of their letters.
MARCH 14, 2019
Opinion – August 2019
Department of Justice
Every present and future victim of asbestos diseases will receive less money because of 2 very corrupt lawyers – Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. Look in any Asbestos Trust By-Laws and Trust Distribution Procedures and you will find them. Collectively, Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton control nearly every Asbestos Trust in the Country (approximately 30 Trusts totaling nearly $30 BILLION dollars). They are “Fiduciaries” for the victims of asbestos diseases. But on each Trust, Kazan and Brayton breach that “Fiduciary Duty”. Insider dealing? Yes! Concealment of Asbestos Trust sites? Yes. Collusion? Yes. The net result? The misappropriation of BILLIONS of dollars to Kazan and Brayton.
The Audits being conducted by Asbestos Trusts are a Sham! A Complete Sham. Hundreds of asbestos victims are suffering while sham audits of Asbestos Claims are being conducted AND (at the same time), millions of victims funds are misappropriated to interested parties!
Why are Audits of Asbestos Claims being conducted by “interested party” Ankura Consulting? Simple…
The “Biggest Little City in the World” (Reno, NV) also contains the “Biggest Asbestos Trust Fund Scammers” in the World: Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown.
Simply calling these two (Paul and Brown) disgraceful and dishonest would be compliment. One cannot understate the immense fraud committed by Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown.
This is too good to be true! As these corrupt Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries have fraudulently attempted to harm me personally, let’s give the Department of Justice a “Top 5 Asbestos Trusts to Investigate” – Each of these Trusts has engaged in massive fraud, misappropriation of funds, “enabled” double-dipping by select Plaintiff lawyers (Alan Brayton, Steven Kazan), misappropriated millions to “interested” parties (former defense lawyers), and continues to be operated in “bad faith”.
“The Dirty 30” – 30 Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Lawyers Engaging in Fraud, Collusion, Breach of Trust, and Misappropriation of Trust Funds
They are all guilty. Every one of them. Collusion, Breach of Trust, Favoritism and Fraud.
Each solely has one goal in mind – Misappropriate as much as they can from Asbestos Trust Funds — the 30 Billion Dollars for asbestos victims. And misappropriate they have… least a BILLION DOLLARS. All monies that should have gone to victims has gone in these lawyers (and one Judges) pocket. Some even paint themselves as ‘victims advocates’ (i.e. Steven Kazan, Alan Brayton…)….but they are far from it – “Traitors” to the core who have stolen hundreds of millions from victims. Every asbestos victims gets less money because of these lawyers. Every one. All with one goal in mind….to line their pockets with as much money from Asbestos Trust Funds as they can…These are greedy and dishonest lawyers — each who has breached their Fiduciary and Ethical Duties and have collectively misappropriated and assisted in the misappropriation of at least One Billion Dollars from Asbestos Trust funds.