Articles Posted in Stutzman

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Honeywell Settlement with NARCO Personal Injury Trust – Terrible for Asbestos Victims!!

Steven Kazan is a criminal.

The North American Refractories Asbestos Trust Advisory Committee (criminals Steve Kazan, Alan Brayton) are supposed to be “Fiduciaries” for Asbestos Victims — ensuring all Asbestos Victims are treated equally and fairly. But as we’ve seen time and time again with Asbestos Trust Advisory Committee’s containing Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton, corruption, fraud and theft of Asbestos Trust funds is their goal. And now, another $1B is gone  due to them….

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Asbestos Trust Corruption – Cronyism, Insider Dealing, and Fraud by Fiduciaries Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton – Over $2,000,000,000.00 (BILLION) Misappropriated…Asbestos Victims Lose….

Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries are a “Pack of Frauds”….every single one of them!

The worst of them all are Plaintiff Lawyers Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. By far! Kazan and Brayton are ‘supposed’ to be Fiduciaries for victims, not the biggest white collar criminals in the Country. But they’ve chosen the latter.

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September 26, 2022

Over $50B ($Billion) has been contributed to Asbestos Trust Funds by ‘bankrupt’ Asbestos Companies. There are over 50 active Asbestos Trust Funds runs by “Fiduciaries” (Trustees, Plaintiff Lawyers, Futures Representatives, Professional) who are paid millions of dollars to ensure that 2 Fundamental Rules in every Asbestos Trust documents approved by Bankruptcy Courts.

Those 2 Fundamental Rules in every Asbestos Trust By-Laws and Asbestos Trust Distribution Procedures are as follows:

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Just Released!

The Most Corrupt Lawyers in America 2021 (Asbestos Litigation) –

America’s Top 10 Corrupt Lawyers – (Asbestos Litigation) – Bonus Members Too!!!

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Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust Sued!! Medicare Fraud! Now 2 Lawsuits Filed Against these Corrupt Asbestos Trusts ( &

Insider Dealing, Concealment of Payments, Fraud (Eve Karasik – J.T. Thorpe, Inc.’s Corrupt Lawyer Involved!)…

It was just a matter of time before the Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust and the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Settlement Trust were sued. Just a matter of time…

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Opinion – 10/18/2019Steven-Kazan-The-Face-of-Asbestos-Trust-Corruption-and-Fraud-214x300California’s Most Corrupt Lawyer – Steven Kazan

Steven Kazan – California’s Most Corrupt Lawyer – Insider Dealing, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Fraud

Steven Kazan. Decades of fraud. At least. And still occurring to this very day. One cannot overstate the amount of fraud, racketeering and bad faith Kazan has been involved in. Likened to a Mafia Leader. Cartel Kingpin of Asbestos Litigation. There’s Steven Kazan.

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Sara Beth Brown “Retires” as Department of Justice Investigations Heat Up – For 15 Years – Brown Misappropriated Asbestos Victims Funds

First the Western Asbestos Settlement Trust Managing Trustee Stephen Snyder “retired” as Department of Justice Investigations intensified.

Now the Executive Director of Western Asbestos Settlement Trust – Sara Beth Brown has “retired” too. 

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First the Department of Justice Investigates Asbestos Trusts

Now, The State of Texas Investigates Too – State of Texas Investigating DII – Haliburton Asbestos Trusts (link)’

The scramble is on to conceal fraud. The Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries (listed below) – who have all engaged in theft/fraud related to Asbestos Trusts are scrambling. The D.O.J. first came calling. 10 Civil Investigative Demands to Asbestos Trusts.

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“The Dirty 30” – 30 Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Lawyers Engaging in Fraud, Collusion, Breach of Trust, and Misappropriation of Trust Funds

They are all guilty. Every one of them. Collusion, Breach of Trust, Favoritism and Fraud.

Each solely has one goal in mind – Misappropriate as much as they can from Asbestos Trust Funds — the 30 Billion Dollars for asbestos victims. And misappropriate they have… least a BILLION DOLLARS. All monies that should have gone to victims has gone in these lawyers (and one Judges) pocket. Some even paint themselves as ‘victims advocates’ (i.e. Steven Kazan, Alan Brayton…)….but they are far from it – “Traitors” to the core who have stolen hundreds of millions from victims. Every asbestos victims gets less money because of these lawyers. Every one. All with one goal in mind….to line their pockets with as much money from Asbestos Trust Funds as they can…These are greedy and dishonest lawyers — each who has breached their Fiduciary and Ethical Duties and  have collectively misappropriated and assisted in the misappropriation of at least One Billion Dollars from Asbestos Trust funds.

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