Articles Posted in Los Angeles Lawyer Eve Karasik

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Judge Sheri Bluebond – The Most Corrupt Judge in American History!!

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country - Sheri Bluebond - Biased - Unethical Relationship to Eve Karasik

The Most Corrupt Judge in American History = Sheri Bluebond – Has Financial and Personal Interest in EVERY big case she oversees. Deplorable human being.

Every single ruling by corrupt and  ‘sham’ Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond should be questioned. Every one.

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February 3, 2023

Mesothelioma Attorney Steven Kazan Has Pulled The Largest Con in Legal History – Asbestos Litigation (over $1 billion stolen) – Far Worse than Thomas Girardi…

California Attorney Thomas Girardi misappropriated over $15 million from clients and he’s been indicted….But this is nothing compared to California Attorney Steven Kazan (

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July 31, 2023

Asbestos Litigation Corruption Awards – Year 2023 – 4th Annual Edition

Not much has changed in the past year! Very easy choices for the Winners of the Asbestos Litigation Corruption Awards in 2023.

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October 2022

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country - Sheri Bluebond - Biased - Unethical Relationship to Eve Karasik

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country – Sheri Bluebond – Biased – Enables Asbestos Trust Fraud

The most corrupt Judge in America is at it again — insider dealing, corruption, bias, fraud, and perjury… Simply put – you cannot win a case in the Courtroom of Judge Sheri Bluebond unless the lawyers are her local attorney friends, confidants, and those who she hopes will send “letters of recommendation” for her Reappointment to the Bench (since no one would ever elect or properly Appoint Judge Sheri Bluebond). And instead of fulfilling her Judicial and Ethical Duty to Recuse and Disqualify heself (with or without Motion), Bluebond prefers corruption. And now, in October 2022, Judge Bluebond fights disqualification and recusal again…

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September 26, 2022

Over $50B ($Billion) has been contributed to Asbestos Trust Funds by ‘bankrupt’ Asbestos Companies. There are over 50 active Asbestos Trust Funds runs by “Fiduciaries” (Trustees, Plaintiff Lawyers, Futures Representatives, Professional) who are paid millions of dollars to ensure that 2 Fundamental Rules in every Asbestos Trust documents approved by Bankruptcy Courts.

Those 2 Fundamental Rules in every Asbestos Trust By-Laws and Asbestos Trust Distribution Procedures are as follows:

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The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country - Sheri Bluebond - Biased - Unethical Relationship to Eve Karasik

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country – Sheri Bluebond – Biased – Can’t Follow the Law – Only rules for her “buddies”….

Everything about ‘sham’ Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond should be questioned. Bluebond is a complete fraud!

Let me introduce you to Judge Sheri Bluebond – Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge…Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who only rules favorably for litigants based on “who” is appearing before her and will completely ignore the Facts and Law when one of her “friends” is a Litigants? You got it! Has Judge Sheri Bluebond taken Bribes? Tacitly from ALL appearances…Was Sheri Bluebond a ‘willing participant’ in  sexual harassment (from ‘serial’ former Chief Judge Alex Kozinski who interviewed Bluebond) just to get appointed to the Bench (since no one would ever elect her…)? Probably! Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who completely ignores the Law so she can rule for friends? Absolutely!! Despite rules prohibiting the appearance of “bias” and serving with Litigants on Boards of Directors, Bluebond maintains her seat on at least 3 Boards of Directors for Los Angeles Bankruptcy Organizations (presumably to take more bribes). Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who has her “favored parties/close buddies” write Orders for her months in advance so she can rule exactly for her favored parties? Yes. Only Bluebond. Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who will improperly exclude evidence for her non-favored parties? Absolutely!! She did it to me, thus harming thousands and thousands of Asbestos Victims solely for “bribery payback” to her buddies who were litigating. Is Sheri Bluebond a  Judge who is a pathological liar? Yes. Yes. Yes. Let me introduce you to Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond…

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Editor’s note: As a married father of two children, be assured that no one has more respect for women and women lawyers than me. Some of the best lawyers in Asbestos Litigation are females. The best. But also some of the absolute worst. Women lawyers and “professionals” who give all women a ‘bad name’. Riddled with corruption, bad faith, and a desire to appease their male superiors, these women below are the worst of the worst: A Judge (Sheri Bluebond) who is an unabashed liar and fraud who ONLY rules with bias; An entirely unqualified, uneducated “executive director” (Laura Paul) who has enabled the misappropriation of billions of dollars in asbestos Trust Funds through a decade of lies of criminal fraud; And a lawyer (Eve Karasik), who has used her close and personal friendship with corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond to harm the rights of thousands of Asbestos victims and lawyers. I don’t want to write this blog post, but the “truth” needs to be told and perpetuated about these corrupt female lawyers.
Updated – August 2022

America’s Top 10 Corrupt Female Lawyers (Asbestos) – 2022 Edition

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Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust Sued!! Medicare Fraud! Now 2 Lawsuits Filed Against these Corrupt Asbestos Trusts ( &

Insider Dealing, Concealment of Payments, Fraud (Eve Karasik – J.T. Thorpe, Inc.’s Corrupt Lawyer Involved!)…

It was just a matter of time before the Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust and the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Settlement Trust were sued. Just a matter of time…

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July 16, 2021 (Opinion)

Steven Kazan ( – The Criminal Element of Asbestos Company Bankruptcies & Asbestos Trusts


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