Articles Posted in Kazan fraud

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Opinion –

Editors Note: 10/19/2017 – Jason Rubinstein fails to get this Blog Post Removed – Without ever contacting the Mandelbrot Law Firm or Michael Mandelbrot, corrupt New York Lawyer attempted to get this post removed.  Using his Firm’s authority and Manville Trust Funds (since we know he ‘billed’ for his time), Rubinstein wrote a letter to my website provider attaching the below post and many other of my blog posts and requesting the provider remove this blog. I look forward to posting the letter!

Apparently, the “Harvard trained” Rubinstein forgot about the 1st Amendment, “Fair use”, and didn’t like the truth being told. Simply put, Jason Rubinstein’s conduct, actions, bad faith and misrepresentations have cost thousands of asbestos victims. Not only is Rubinstein misappropriating Manville Trust funds (under Garelick’s direction) through ‘sham’ and excessive billings, but those very billings are solely to harm thousands more present and future victims of the Manville Trust (represented by me). Knowing that I have never filed an unreliable claim with any Trust (yet alone Manville where my office successfully filed hundreds of claims), the loser Rubinstein continues to misrepresent facts about my office’s claim filings solely to harm asbestos victims and my office. Rubinstein KNOWS he’s engaging in racketeering, fraud, and the misappropriating of Trust funds (solely to further Kazan and Brayton fraud and bad faith), but seemingly has no ethics. A completely disgraceful lawyer — Jason Rubinstein.

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In the battle of States v. Asbestos Trusts – Round 1 goes to the Trusts. “The Trusts got lucky,” said longtime Asbestos Attorney Michael Mandelbrot.

“13 States there is MAJOR fraud taking place at Asbestos Trusts and want the evidence. What does the Trust have to hide?” added Mandelbrot. Many lawyers have complained that extensive fraud and double dipping is taking place at the Trusts. “Of course it is! When the same lawyers are running the Trusts – Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton – are also filing claims with the Trusts, it’s a recipe for fraud. Kazan and Brayton have misappropriated a billion dollars from victims, thus harming States, and present and future beneficiaries of the Trust. A complete joke!”

“The lawyers at the Delaware Trusts, including  Tom Florence, Mary Ellen Nickel, Molly Spieczny, Marla Eskin, and Marcellene Malouf have to be concerned. These Trusts and victims money have been their ‘gravy train’ for decades and it’s soon coming to a halt. These terrible lawyers will never get another job.”

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Note from Michael Mandelbrot regarding successful Appeal against Thorpe Trusts –

This was a long time coming! It’s been decades of bad faith and corruption by the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. ( Settlement Trust Fiduciaries and Thorpe Insulation Settlement Trust Fiduciaries ( My office was only sued for exposing this corruption and misappropriation of funds by these Fiduciaries. Everyone knows I have never filed an unreliable claim and in fact, my office files the most thorough and reliable claims in the Country. These fraudsters tried to wipe out the “Whistleblower” (me) through a sham lawsuits, sham audits, judicial bias, and bad faith — while misappropriating millions of dollars of victims funds in the process (Gary Fergus, attorney in California ‘stole’ millions). This victory in the Appeal of the bad faith lawsuit me is one step towards justice. Justice for me. Justice for my office. Justice for my family. And justice for all victims of asbestos diseases.

The pack of fraudsters and co-conspirators who run these Trusts, including Trust Fiduciaries Alan Brayton, Sara Beth Brown, Gary Fergus, Stephen Snyder, and David McClain have misappropriated nearly a billion dollars from Thorpe, Western and J.T. Thorpe Trust Beneficiaries, while breaching their duty to these same Beneficiaries. Here are examples of mass Trust Fraud and Misappropriations by the “Fiduciaries” who sued me:

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Bernie Madoff/Steven Kazan — Steven Kazan/Bernie Madoff.

The comparisons are undeniable. Both misappropriated billions of dollars. Both enriched friends/family at the expense of victims. Both held themselves out “pioneers” while committing vast fraud. Both will leave a legacy of fraud and bad faith impacting tens of  thousands of victims solely to enrich themselves. Unfortunately, only one of them is in jail. Madoff. The other (Kazan) continues to misappropriate funds from asbestos claimant. The difference? In every Asbestos Trust Kazan inserts a “License to Commit Fraud” thus allowing him to continue his wrath of dishonesty (i.e. …“No Asbestos Claimants’ Representative are to have or incur any liability to any Entity for any act or omissions arising out of the Chapter 11 cases or during the entirety of the Chapter 11 cases). 2 Criminals (although only one has been convicted – Madoff) – 2 “Losers” – 2 of the biggest fund frauds in history – 2 very bad individuals.

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Editors Note: 9/29/2017 – It’s unfortunate for asbestos victims that two lawyers are ‘stealing’ money from the Manville Trust who are supposed to be Fiduciaries — Jason Rubinstein and Jared Garelick. Having accepted a ‘tacit bribe’ to commit fraud, Rubinstein and Garelick have done just that years — conspiracy and bad faith. Add Sham lawsuits. Sham audits. Tyranny. Fraud. Misconduct. Perjury….all to protect the fraud of others (Al Brayton and Steve Kazan) and pad their own pockets with Asbestos victims money.

Manville Trust run by 2 of the Worst and Most Corrupt Lawyers in the Country –

Jason Rubinstein & Jared Garelick

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