Articles Posted in Asbestos Bankruptcy Fraud

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If I don’t provide notice to Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries and the Department of Justice of Massive Fraud – They Will Conceal It from the U.S. Attorney and U.S. Trustee and Department of Justice…so here some notice of massive Trust Fraud…
Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries,
Please confirm that the Asbestos Trusts in which you are Trustees/Trust Counsel/Fiduciaries (Trust Lists Attached) have suspended the Law Firm of Simmons Hanly Conroy from the Trusts and that no further offers or payments will be remitted to  Simmons Hanly Conroy as of May 22, 2024.
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January 6, 2023

Steven Kazan - The Most Corrupt Asbestos Lawyer in America - NARCO Trust Fund Thief cost Asbestos Victims over $1B

Steven Kazan – The Most Corrupt Asbestos Lawyer in America – NARCO Trust Fund Thief cost Asbestos Victims over $1B

Steve Kazan is well known around the Country as “The Most Corrupt Lawyer in America”. This largely stems from his criminal theft and breach of fiduciary duty relating Asbestos Trust Funds (over $2B). But now we know his Law Firm (Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood) also CONCEALS EXPERT EVIDENCE (tissue analysis) is Mesothelioma Lawsuits to further his fraud. And he got caught!!

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Texas’ Most Corrupt Law Firm – Stutzman, Bromberg, Esserman & Plifka (Asbestos) – Insider Dealing/Criminal Breach of Fiduciary Duties Costing Asbestos Victims Billions!

You know the saying “Everything is Bigger in Texas…” With one Texas Law Firm, Stutzman, Bromberg, Esserman & Plifka, so is the corruption!!

It’s real easy to anoint Stutzman, Bromberg, Esserman & Plifka as Texas’ Most Corrupt Law Firm due to their Criminal Conduct/Corruption in Asbestos Litigation.

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Ankura Consulting LLC – Fired from the Verus Asbestos Trusts (for conducting Sham Audits)

The chips are falling… Ankura Consulting LLC (Washington D.C.’s “Most Corrupt Company”) was FIRED from working for the Verus Asbestos Trusts! Why? No doubt for conducting “sham audits” of asbestos claims, insider dealing with Trust Advisory Committee members, and the excessive misappropriation of Asbestos Trust Funds (millions…).

There could not be a more corrupt company in Washington D.C. than Ankura Consulting LLC! Here are some details of Ankura’s corruption/criminal conduct over the past few years:

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Just Released!

The Most Corrupt Lawyers in America 2021 (Asbestos Litigation) –

America’s Top 10 Corrupt Lawyers – (Asbestos Litigation) – Bonus Members Too!!!

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Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust Sued!! Medicare Fraud! Now 2 Lawsuits Filed Against these Corrupt Asbestos Trusts ( &

Insider Dealing, Concealment of Payments, Fraud (Eve Karasik – J.T. Thorpe, Inc.’s Corrupt Lawyer Involved!)…

It was just a matter of time before the Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust and the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Settlement Trust were sued. Just a matter of time…

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J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Trust Sued!! Medicare Fraud! 

Insider Dealing, Concealment of Payments, Fraud (Eve Karasik – J.T. Thorpe, Inc.’s Corrupt Lawyer Involved!)…

Here’s a Copy of the Lawsuit:

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“The Dirty 30” 

30 Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Lawyers Engaging in Fraud, Collusion, Breach of Trust, and Misappropriation of Trust Funds

They are all guilty. Every one of them. Collusion, Breach of Trust, Theft of Trust Funds (Billions), Favoritism and Fraud….and that’s just a start.

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January 2021 – 

Asbestos and Mesothelioma Law Firms that DO NOT Pay Referral Fees – DO NOT HIRE THESE LAW FIRMS!!

I’ve been in Asbestos Litigation as a Plaintiff Lawyer for 25 years. With any Law Firm you work with – “Trust” and “Honesty” are extremely important. As a Plaintiff lawyer – you expect dishonesty from Asbestos Defense lawyers. But not from Plaintiff lawyers. But as I’ve learned – there are a number of very dishonest Plaintiff’s Asbestos and Mesothelioma Law Firms that DO NOT pay referral fees. One has to wonder if these Law Firms ‘steal’ from Clients too…?

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