July 31, 2023
Asbestos Litigation Corruption Awards – Year 2023 – 4th Annual Edition
Not much has changed in the past year! Very easy choices for the Winners of the Asbestos Litigation Corruption Awards in 2023.
With misappropriation of over $1B funds, corruption and fraud at nearly every Asbestos Trust, by nearly every Fiduciary/Trustee/Trust Advisory Committee (TAC/ACC) Member, choices this year were easy.
Here are the Winners of The 2023 Asbestos Litigation Corruption Awards
2023 Most Corrupt Lawyer/Trustee/Fiduciary at Asbestos Trusts:
Winner: Steven Kazan (The undisputed “King of Corruption”)-Oakland, California Attorney
This criminal has misappropriated well over $1B (BILLION) from Asbestos Victims and Asbestos Trust Funds. His “divided loyalty” ensures EVERY future victim of an Asbestos Disease (mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis) will receive far less compensation than they deserve. The biggest fraud in legal history. Pays off Judges, Doctors, Opposing Lawyers to enable his theft. Should be on the short list of the Department of Justice. F.B.I’s Most Wanted Lawyer?

Steven Kazan – The Most Corrupt Asbestos Lawyer in America – NARCO Trust Fund Thief cost Asbestos Victims over $1B
Kazan, who serves as a TAC/ACC Member on over 30 Asbestos Trusts, has “spearheaded” the misappropriation of at least $2Billion in Asbestos Trust Funds. In 2022, Kazan – due to his use of Asbestos Trust Funds like a “bottomless ATM” – enabled a loss in funding of over $700Million to the North American Refractories Asbestos Trust alone. Has misappropriated at least $1Billion from Asbestos Trust Funds, including the Owens Corning Asbestos Trust, Fibreboard Asbestos Trust, Pittsburgh Corning Asbestos Trust. Received a “secret payment” from the Pittsburgh Corning and North American Refractories Trust of over $20Million to pay his clients Medicare debts. Every Asbestos Victim from now until the end of time will receive less than they deserve solely due to Steven Kazan.
2nd Place – : Alan Brayton – Brayton Purcell, Novato, CA – The Second Most Corrupt Scum on Earth – The Poster Grandfather of Corrupt Attorneys
– Despite being caught in conducting mass fraud at Asbestos Trust – The Corrupt Lawyer has funneled hundreds of Millions to Defense Attorneys, Lied to Dozens of Judges, and Stolen over $1B from Future Asbestos Asbestos Victims – NEVER HIRE THIS FIRM –
Here’s a (small) Collection of Document Proving Brayton is a Criminal:
Judges Order Detailing Brayton Purcell “Fictional” Asbestos Trust Claims
Brayton, Kazan, McClain and Snyder Stealing 47 Million from Trust Victims
Brayton – Guilty of Tax Fraud – Unreported income (money Brayton stole from Trust Funds)
Malpractice Claim Targets Bay Area Attorney Alan Brayton (Brayton Purcell)
2023 Most Corrupt Current Asbestos Judge
Winner: Judge Sheri Bluebond, Bankruptcy Judge, Central District, Los Angeles, CA – The Biggest Fraud in the History of Judges – Incredibly Unqualified and Only will Rule for Parties When She Has a Personal or Financial Interest
Sheri Bluebond is the worst Judge in America. The ‘essence’ of a corrupt Judge. Here are some examples of why Judge Sheri Bluebond is the most corrupt Judge in America:
- Sheri Bluebond rules with bias for “favored parties” such that non-favored litigants have zero chance of success
- Sheri Bluebond ignores/excludes facts and evidence solely so she can rule for her favored parties
- Sheri Bluebond is a pathological liar
- Sheri Bluebond wasn’t “elected” or properly “appointed” – Sheri Bluebond used alcohol to flirt with serial pervert ex-Chief Judge (and sexual harasser Alex Kozinski) to get her seat
- Sheri Bluebond ignores well settled Law and creates “bad law” solely so she can rule for her “favored parties”
- Sheri Bluebond misappropriates victim’s Bankruptcy Funds (tens of millions to date) by approving entirely sham and inflated billings of her close personal friends such as deplorable lawyers Eve Karasik, Robyn Sokol, and many others – who she then “socializes” with….and no doubt takes “kickbacks”…
- Sheri Bluebond engaged in “bribery” with Eve Karasik, Steve Kazan, and Alan Brayton – who provided “recommendations” for the Bench for Bluebond in exchange for Bluebond “turning a blind eye” to obvious theft of “billions” and corruption.
Proof – Eve Karasik Campaigning for Judge Bluebond while Litigating Before Her
Chart – Judge Sheri Bluebond – Following the Money – Following the Corruption
2023 Most Corrupt Former Asbestos Judge
Former Alameda Asbestos Judge Ken Kawaichi (Steven Kazan’s Bribery Partner)

Corrupt Judge Ken Kawaichi – Bribed by Asbestos Lawyers Steve Kazan and Alan Brayton – Has misappropriated at least $10M from Asbestos Trusts
Former Alameda Asbestos Judge Ken Kawaichi was definitely bribed by Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton while still on the Bench (Kazan to Kawaichi: “Rule for me on these Asbestos Cases, including the $1Billion Western MacArthur case, and I will provide you with a “Golden Parachute” – a Trustee position and Asbestos Trusts where I am a Trust Advisory Member. You will make at least 10 times more than working as a Judge and you can use the victim Trust funds as your Personal Piggy bank…” Kawaichi to Kazan: “Deal – just don’t tell anyone.” Fast forward to 2022 – Trust Litigation has “proven” that Kawaichi has ‘stolen’ at least $5M from the NARCO Asbestos Trust (and how much from the others…?)…
Here’s proof:
Proof – Kawaichi stealing at least 5 Million Dollars from the NARCO Asbestos Settlement Trust
Bribery – Corrupt Ken Kawaichi – Interested Party – Relationship to Asbestos Trust Lawyers
2023 Most Corrupt Asbestos Trust
North American Refractories Asbestos Trust (NARCO Asbestos Trust): Honeywell v. NARCO Asbestos Trust Litigation proved that this Trust was using Trust Funds like a “bottomless ATM”, paying thousands of fraudulent claims to “favored” parties, insider dealing, and extensive corruption exists. Asbestos victims lost at least $700Million due to the Fraud at the NARCO Asbestos Trust with zero repercussions for the NARCO Fiduciaries (Brayton, Kazan, et al)…Details on Honeywell Lawsuit v. NARCO Trust – 2 Billion Lost Due to Trust Advisory Committee Fraud
Honorable Mention:
Western Asbestos Settlement Trust, J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Settlement Trust, All Trusts at DCPF (Delaware Claims Processing Facility) – this includes Pittsburgh Corning, OCF, Babcock & Wilcox et al… Many, many Trusts could have won this award. At least $2Billion has been misappropriated from these Trusts by Alan Brayton, Steven Kazan, and others in coordination from Ankura (see below) and Fiduciaries/Trustees such as Mary Ellen Nickel, repulsive Laura Paul, and others…Asbestos Trust Check used to pay for Brayton’s WEDDING – Signed by Sara Beth Brown
2023 Most Corrupt “Professional Organization” Stealing Funds From Asbestos Trusts (The “Enablers”):
Winner: Ankura Consulting L.L.C. (Washington D.C) – The most dishonest, corrupt, insider dealing corporation in Washington D.C. Have misappropriated at least $120 Million in ‘sham’ billings and assisted in paying out over $1Billion in fraudulent Asbestos Claims to Kazan, Brayton and other Plaintiff Firms. Lies to Judges, Department of Justice, Asbestos Victims, Doctors, and all other professional to further fraud.
Here’s some details on the corrupt activities of Ankura Consulting LLC – Sexual Harassment, Sham Audits of Asbestos Victims and Doctors, Sham Audits of Lawyers…extensive corruption
Ankura – Sham Asbestos Trust Audit Request
2023 Most Corrupt Mesothelioma Doctor
Dr. Robert Cameron – UCLA Medical Center – Receives huge yearly monetary payoffs from Plaintiff Lawyers (Worthington & Caron) to refer cases. Compromises his medical treatment solely so he can refer cases to lawyers to make $$$$. A complete fraud. Has taken at least $5Million in bribes to refer cases. Has Worthington and Caron’s brochure in his waiting room.
2023 Most Corrupt Mesothelioma Plaintiff Law Firm
Winner: It’s a Tie!! Kazan, McClain, Satterly & Greenwood, Oakland, CA (Steve Kazan’s Firm) – Brayton Purcell, Novato, CA (Alan Brayton’s Firm) – Together, Alan Brayton and Steven Kazan have corrupted nearly 40 Asbestos Trusts and use their clients as Pawns, while “double dipping” and being paid excessive monies from these same Trusts. Uses ‘sham’ science for Asbestos Litigation. Never, ever retain or hire Brayton Purcell or Kazan McClain – you will be enabling fraud! Any lawyer who works for these Law Firms is KNOWINGLY furthering the Biggest Fraud in Legal History!!
Never Retain Brayton Purcell
Never Retain Kazan, McClain, Satterly & Greenwood