
Mesothelioma Lawyer Blog


Mesothelioma Stockton Lawyer: Various Pipe Supply and Construction Material Companies in Stockton and San Joaquin County Are Alleged Asbestos Exposure Sites

The Asbestos Legal Center, a law practice focused on representing mesothelioma patients and victims of asbestos related disease that represents patients in the Stockton and San Joaquin County area, today cited documentation alleging various pipe supply and construction material supply companies that operated in the Stockton and San Joaquin County…


Stockton Mesothelioma Lawyer: Numerous San Joaquin County Public Buildings Were Asbestos Exposure Sites

In an ongoing expose regarding the San Joaquin County and Stockon asbestos public health threat, attorney Michael Mandelbrot of the Asbestos Legal Center of San Francisco, who represents mesothelioma patients in the Stockton and San Joaquin County area, today announced more locations where documentation exists that individuals were exposed to…


Avengers Movie Week: Remembering Asbestos Lady and Asbestos Man

This week the entertainment world is buzzing about the release of the new comic book movie, the Avengers, featuring a group of heroes from the Marvel Comic books universe working together to overcome long odds to save the world from an inter-dimensional evil genius and his extra-planetary army. Captain America,…


Fight Mesothelioma, Go Green And Save A Life: Choose Organic Brake Pads

Every year in the United States, over three thousand people die from mesothelioma, an incurable cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. A percentage of those afflicted by the disease include automotive mechanics and technicians exposed to asbestos occupationally that is contained in automotive parts, including gaskets, clutch parts, and brake…


Stockton Mesothelioma Lawyer: Incidence Rates of Mesothelioma 49% Higher In San Joaquin County

Attorney Michael Mandelbrot, founder of the Asbestos Legal Center of San Francisco, a law firm that represents patients suffering from mesothelioma in the San Joaquin County and Stockton area, today cited statistics indicating that from 2005 to 2009, individuals living in San Joaquin County suffered a 49% higher incidence age…


The U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare: The Effect on Mesothelioma Medical Insurance Coverage

This week legal pundits have been engaged in watching the U.S Supreme Court, as attorneys representing various states have battled with the Obama Administration over Obamacare, the universal healthcare bill touted to provide insurance coverage to millions of uninsured Americans. The law also would make it illegal for insurance companies…


Hazardous Waste Transporter Found Illegally Storing Asbestos Next To Los Angeles Suburb High School

Families who send their kids to Mountain View High School, in the Los Angeles suburb of El Monte, received disturbing news this past February, when it was discovered that a waste disposal company neighboring the high school was illegally transporting and storing hazardous waste, including asbestos. Titan Environmental, Inc, had…

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