How Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton Misappropriated Billions from Asbestos Trust Funds in 4 Simple Steps The “Methods” of Corruption of 2 California Asbestos Lawyers Every present and future victim of asbestos diseases will receive less money because of 2 very corrupt lawyers – Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. Look…
Mesothelioma Lawyer Blog
California’s Most Corrupt Judge 2022 – Judge Sheri Bluebond – Bankruptcy Judge, Los Angeles, California (2022)
Opinion The “Most Corrupt Judge in California 2022” was an easy choice. Easy. Since no Judge in America is as disgraceful and dishonest our 2022 winner. The Winner is….. Judge Sheri Bluebond, Bankruptcy Judge (Central), Los Angeles, CA The most corrupt Judge in America – Sheri Bluebond Here…
Ankura Consulting – Conducting Sham Audits of Asbestos Claims! Tom Florence/Marla Eskin Stealing Victims Funds
Ankura Consulting Conducting Sham Audits of Asbestos Claims – Misappropriating Millions The Audits being conducted by Asbestos Trusts are a Sham! A Complete Sham. Hundreds of asbestos victims are suffering while sham audits of Asbestos Claims are being conducted AND (at the same time), millions of victims funds are misappropriated…
Amazing Trump would Allow ties to Asbestos – He should be sending the DOJ or U.S. Trustee after Alan Brayton/Steven Kazan
Opinion – I do have to say this is quite shocking. Trump is OK linking himself to asbestos companies – but hasn’t done anything to stop the billions stolen from asbestos victims by American lawyers Alan Brayton and Steven Kazan….Brayton Tax Fraud – 10 million in fraud! Brayton, Kazan, McClain…
PROOF – ALAN BRAYTON IS MISAPPROPRIATING ASBESTOS TRUST FUNDS! Below is “undeniable proof” of Bad Faith and Misappropriation of Funds by none other than Fiduciary ALAN BRAYTON ….. The Managing Trustee STEVEN SNYDER and Executive Director – SARA BETH BROWN – have left the Trust in a could of suspicion…let’s…
Reno’s Biggest Asbestos Trust Fund “Scammers” – Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown – Liars/Frauds/Trust Fund Thieves
Reno’s Biggest Asbestos Trust “Scammers” – Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown – Liars/Frauds/Trust Fund Thieves The “Biggest Little City in the World” (Reno, NV) also contains the “Biggest Asbestos Trust Fund Scammers” in the World: Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown. Simply calling these two (Paul and Brown) disgraceful…
Asbestos Trust Fraud – Forbes Writer “Nails It” in New Article Detailing Insider Dealing/Fraud
Forbes contributing writer Dan Fisher nailed it! Check out his new article detailing Asbestos Trust Fraud, Insider Dealing and the Misappropriation of Funds – Here’s a link to the article – These corrupt lawyers involved don’t think we (those representing victims) don’t know? To be sure they read the…
Mary Ellen Nickel and the Corrupt Women of Asbestos Trusts – Misappropriating Asbestos Victims Funds
Updated June 2018 Mary Ellen Nickel ( and The Corrupt Women of Asbestos Litigation – Bad Lawyers/Disgraceful Thieves from Asbestos Victims The “Corrupt Women of Asbestos Trust Litigation” – a pack of low-esteemed, dishonest, poor quality lawyers, who have conspired with their male Fiduciary superior (typically male) to funnel “billions…
Asbestos Corruption – 30 Asbestos Lawyers Engaging in Fraud, Corruption and the Misappropriation of Asbestos Trust Funds
“The Dirty 30” – 30 Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Lawyers Engaging in Fraud, Collusion, Breach of Trust, and Misappropriation of Trust Funds They are all guilty. Every one of them. Collusion, Breach of Trust, Favoritism and Fraud. Each solely has one goal in mind – Misappropriate as much as they can…
Alan Brayton and Steven Kazan -Asbestos Trust Corruption, Fraud and Collusion
How Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton Misappropriated Billions from Asbestos Trust Funds in 4 Simple Steps The “Methods” of Corruption of 2 California Asbestos Lawyers Every present and future victim of asbestos diseases will receive less money because of 2 very corrupt lawyers – Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. Look…