
Mesothelioma Lawyer Blog


Is Fraud Currently Taking Place at the Motor Liquidation Trust (General Motors Asbestos Trust)? Steven Kazan Involved so Probably….

UPDATE – AUGUST 21, 2020 The Motor Liquidation Trust provided me with the 2019 Annual Report discussed below and purportedly updated their website. As expected – the 2019 General Motors/Motor Liquidation Trust ANNUAL REPORT IS FRAUD on the Beneficiaries! Why? The Motor Liquidation Trust (GM) Annual Report Does NOT break…


Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer Victims – Call the Asbestos Legal Center – 1-800-970-DUST – Voted Lawyer of Distinction in 2020

THE ASBESTOS LEGAL CENTER NOW URGES UNITED STATES NAVY VETERANS AND VICTIMS OF MESOTHELIOMA AND LUNG CANCER TO CONTACT ATTORNEY MICHAEL J. MANDELBROT  – WWW.MESOTHELIOMA.PRO The Mandelbrot Law Firm ( is now appealing to a United States Navy Veteran in Illinois who has recently been diagnosed with mesothelioma or asbestos exposure…


Wealthy & Greedy Asbestos Lawyers Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton take MILLIONS in PPP Loans (Paycheck Protection Program)

Despite taking in Hundreds of Millions of Dollars from Asbestos Trusts in 2019 — Asbestos Lawyers Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton take MILLIONS in PPP Loans – Pure Greed! Brayton -PPP Loan and Asbestos Fund Thief! Novato Asbestos Law Firm Brayton Purcell takes Millions in PPP Loans Oakland Mesothelioma Lawyer…


California Attorney Michael Mandelbrot Selected as “Lawyer of Distinction” for 2020 – Asbestos and Mesothelioma Law

California Attorney Michael Mandelbrot Selected as “Lawyer of Distinction” for 2020 – Asbestos and Mesothelioma Law “It really is an honor,” said 25-year Veteran Attorney Michael Mandelbrot on his selection to “Lawyers of Distinction” 2020 for Mesothelioma and Asbestos Law. “I’ve spent so much time dealing with corrupt Asbestos Lawyers…


Mesothelioma Lawyer Steven Kazan Sued – Insider Dealing, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Fraud…Asbestos

Fraudster Steven Kazan Sued – Breach of Fiduciary Duty (Asbestos Trusts) Oakland Lawyer – Fraudster Steven Kazan Sued – Breach of Fiduciary Duty (Asbestos Trusts) – And it’s all True!! Steven Kazan has been insider dealing and misappropriating Asbestos Trust Funds for decades! You can’t underestimate the theft and fraud…


Ankura Consulting LLC Sued in Federal Court – Sham Asbestos Audits; Bad Faith; Misappropriation of Funds

Ankura Consulting Sued in Federal Court – Sham Asbestos Trust Audits, Fraud, Bad Faith, Tortious Interference with Contracts Finally. Dr. William Durham has stepped up to try and stop the Fraud, Corruption and Bad Faith taking place at Asbestos Trusts by Ankura Consulting. Finally…..because Ankura Consulting LLC is a bunch…


California Lawyer Sued- Fraudster Steven Kazan Sued – Breach of Fiduciary Duty (Asbestos Trusts) – And it’s all True!!

Fraudster Steven Kazan Sued – Breach of Fiduciary Duty (Asbestos Trusts) Oakland Lawyer – Fraudster Steven Kazan Sued – Breach of Fiduciary Duty (Asbestos Trusts) – And it’s all True!! Steven Kazan has been insider dealing and misappropriating Asbestos Trust Funds for decades! You can’t underestimate the theft and fraud…


Oakland Asbestos Lawyer Steven Kazan Sued — Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Insider Dealing, Fraud (Asbestos Trusts)

Fraudster Steven Kazan Sued – Breach of Fiduciary Duty (Asbestos Trusts) Oakland Lawyer – Fraudster Steven Kazan Sued – Breach of Fiduciary Duty (Asbestos Trusts) – And it’s all True!! Steven Kazan has been insider dealing and misappropriating Asbestos Trust Funds for decades! You can’t underestimate the theft and fraud…


Asbestos Lawyers Cry “Foul” in Monsanto Roundup Weed Killer Settlement — They Were About to Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine

Asbestos Lawyers were about to get a taste of their own medicine in the $10 Billion Monstanto Roundup Settlement!! And they sure didn’t like it! The Roundup Settlement would have shut Asbestos Lawyers out of Attorney Fees and Future Claims (exactly like they have done with Asbestos Victims with Asbestos…


Double Dipper Steven Kazan’s Recent Filing Provides More Evidence the Western Asbestos-Western MacArthur Trial was a Complete Sham

Double Dipper Steven Kazan’s Recent Filing Provides More Evidence the Western Asbestos-Western MacArthur Trial (Chapter 11 Case No. 02-46284) was a Complete Sham Everyone knows it. The Western Asbestos/MacArthur Trial was a complete sham with the Judge (really) an “insider” who was guaranteed Asbestos Trustee positions “post trial”. But even…

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