Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer Eve Karasik Commits Fraud in 2022
Deceptive Annual Report Filings (Asbestos Trusts) – Eve Karasik – California Lawyer Instrumental in Massive Asbestos Trust and Medicare Fraud – Billions of Dollars Misappropriated from Asbestos Trusts
Follow Up – June 27, 2022 –
Bribery wins again and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Trust and Thorpe Insulation Trust Asbestos Victims Lose as Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond – (Central District of California) as Bluebond “rubber stamps” 2022 Annual Reports — while knowing Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries (Alan Brayton, Steven Kazan, Eve Karasik, Steven Bray) have engaged in massive fraud. Here’s the “Rubber Stamped” Annual Reports (Judge Bluebond always “rubber stamps” ANY filing by her buddy Eve Karasik) – 2022 Annual Report Fraud – Judge Sheri Bluebond and Eve Karasik – Partners in Corruption.
But 2022 was worse than ever!!! Not only did the corrupt and bribery happy Judge Sheri Bluebond approve the annual accounting, but corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond made certain to give immunity to her ‘buddies’ engaging in the Asbestos Trust Fraud. Here is the language in the Annual Report ‘rubber stamped’ by corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond:
the Trustees are hereby released and discharged from any and all liability as to all matters disclosed in the Motion and Annual Report (including, without limitation, the Audited Financial Statements and Claim Report).
Corrupt Judge Bluebond not only approved the 2022 Annual but corrupt Judge Bluebond released and discharged Trustees from any and all liability.
Unqualified and corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond is a disgrace! Not only did corrupt Judge Bluebond do NOTHING after having irrefutable evidence of J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Trustee/Fiduciary Fraud and Misconduct (Alan Brayton, disgusting Eve Karasik, Sarah Hernandez et al…) – including the use of Trust checks for Alan Brayton’s wedding — corrupt Judge Bluebond gave each complete immunity. As always, Judge Bluebond is a disgrace to the Judiciary. A true criminal. The most corrupt Judge in the Country.
Original Post – May 3, 2022
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer Eve Karasik Commits Fraud in 2022 Annual Report Filings (Asbestos Trusts)
Decades of Bankruptcy Fraud by Eve Karasik Solely Based on Karasik’s “Close and Personal” Relationship to Judge Sheri Bluebond
Disgraceful and deplorable Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer Eve Karasik is at it again…..deceiving multiple Courts, misleading Asbestos Victims from multiple Trusts and continuing to misappropriate millions from Asbestos Trusts….and it’s all in the Annual Report she just filed…
Eve Karasik – California Lawyer Behind the Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Trust Fraud – Medicare Fraud
Here are the FOUR 2022 Asbestos Trust Annual Reports where Eve Karasik is Committing Perjury and Fraud:
More Asbestos Trust Fraud – Western Asbestos Annual Report 2021
Eve Karasik Fraud – Thorpe Insulation 2022 Annual Reports – Asbestos Trusts
Eve Karasik Perjury – Thorpe Insulation 2022 Annual Report
Eve Karasik Perjury – Violation of Department of Justice Rules – Plant 2022 Annual Report
Most importantly, Eve Karasik knows that the disgraceful and corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond will sign anything Karasik puts before her….. Anything! Complete fraud in Annual Reports misleading Asbestos Victims (J.T. Thorpe, Inc./Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Trusts)? Judge Sheri Bluebond will sign off enabling the fraud. Annual Reports filed by Karasik CONCEALING theft from Asbestos Trusts (Alan Brayton using Trust monies as his personal piggy bank)? Judge Bluebond – despite knowing about the theft – still approves Karasik-filed Asbestos Trust Annual Reports… Solely because of this close and personal relationship between Karasik and Bluebond – at least a BILLION dollars ($1,000,000,000 at least…) have been misappropriated from Asbestos Victims.
Karasik’s deception in these 2021 Asbestos Trust Annual Reports: First, is each Annual Report she states that the publication by me (Michael Mandelbrot) of information about the Trust are without merit? REALLY? Here is a Western Asbestos Trust Check misappropriated for a Fiduciaries wedding? Actual Check proving Misappropriation – Check from Western Asbestos Trust to Brayton’s Wife Lisa Correnti
Was there no merit to this Trust theft? How much other information is Karasik hiding from Beneficiaries?
How is that not fraud? That is a theft of Asbestos Trust Funds. Theft. Under the (disgraceful) watchful eye of Karasik! Pure theft. How is this theft by a TAC member Al Brayton without merit? Why hasn’t Karasik researched ALL Trust Operating Accounts for more Trust Fund Theft. Clearly, the only one without merit is Karasik!
For 5 years, Karasik has swept under the rug the fact that the Chairman of the Trust Advisory Committee (Alan Brayton) stole Trust Funds (enabled by Karasik) for his WEDDING. Why is Karasik concealing that critical information to Beneficiaries and the U.S. Trustee? To keep her job as an enabler of Fraud.
Next, Karasik’s Discussion of MSP Litigation in 2022 – More Fraud! Karasik is close personal friends with the Asbestos Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond. Nowhere does Karasik indicate as such. For 20 years, Bluebond has ruled for Karasik 100% of the time! Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond has engaged in mass fraud, deceived the Department of Justice and the FBI, and the California State Bar in her corrupt rulings for Karasik. Karasik KNOWS the Thorpe Trusts have committed MASSIVE Medicare Fraud (MASSIVE) and is lying in the Annual Reports. Lying. It sure will be interesting to see if her buddy Judge Bluebond (the most corrupt Judge in the Country) will again find a way to ignore law and facts in an effort to rule for her buddy.
Karasik make NO Mention of her Close and Personal Connection to Judge Sheri Bluebond –
Since 2010, Karasik has used that relationship with Bluebond to ban Doctors, Attorneys and other professional in bad faith (Criminal). Even worse, Karasik has used that relationship to misappropriate at least a BILLION dollars from Asbestos Trusts.
Here’s proof of the longstanding close and personal relationship between Eve Karasik and the disgracefully unqualified Judge Sheri Bluebond.
Proof – Improper Relationship -Eve Karasik (Thorpe Trusts) and Judge Sheri Bluebond – FAVORITISM
Proof – Eve Karasik Campaigning for Judge Bluebond while Litigating Before Her
Finally, Karasik is CONCEALING the fact that Western Asbestos and Thorpe Trust Advisory Committee Member David McClain and his Law Firm (Kazan McClain) have been (truthfully) alleged to have used Asbestos Trust Funds as a “bottomless ATM”. Everyone KNOWS that Kazan McClain has done the exact same thing with the Western, Plant and Thorpe Trusts….”used the funds as a bottomless ATM”….These are also issues germane to Beneficiaries being concealed by Karasik…that a TAC Member of these Trusts has used other Trust funds as a bottomless ATM….
Just to be clear – These Annual Reports above are just the most recent in Eve Karasik’s long history of fraud.
Karasik is a terrible lawyer. A liar. An “enabler” of criminal conduct. A thief from Asbestos Victims. A disgraceful human being….
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer Eve Karasik Commits Fraud in 2022 Annual Report Filings (Asbestos Trusts)