The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country – Sheri Bluebond – Biased – Can’t Follow the Law – Only rules for her “buddies”….
Everything about ‘sham’ Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond should be questioned. Bluebond is a complete fraud!
Let me introduce you to Judge Sheri Bluebond – Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge…Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who only rules favorably for litigants based on “who” is appearing before her and will completely ignore the Facts and Law when one of her “friends” is a Litigants? You got it! Has Judge Sheri Bluebond taken Bribes? Tacitly from ALL appearances…Was Sheri Bluebond a ‘willing participant’ in sexual harassment (from ‘serial’ former Chief Judge Alex Kozinski who interviewed Bluebond) just to get appointed to the Bench (since no one would ever elect her…)? Probably! Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who completely ignores the Law so she can rule for friends? Absolutely!! Despite rules prohibiting the appearance of “bias” and serving with Litigants on Boards of Directors, Bluebond maintains her seat on at least 3 Boards of Directors for Los Angeles Bankruptcy Organizations (presumably to take more bribes). Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who has her “favored parties/close buddies” write Orders for her months in advance so she can rule exactly for her favored parties? Yes. Only Bluebond. Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who will improperly exclude evidence for her non-favored parties? Absolutely!! She did it to me, thus harming thousands and thousands of Asbestos Victims solely for “bribery payback” to her buddies who were litigating. Is Sheri Bluebond a Judge who is a pathological liar? Yes. Yes. Yes. Let me introduce you to Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond…
Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond, Bankruptcy Judge (Central), Los Angeles, CA
The most corrupt Judge in America – Sheri Bluebond
Here is why Judge Sheri Bluebond is the “Most Corrupt Judge in California” and the Winner in 2022 of “The Most Disgraceful Judge in American”:
- Judge Sheri Bluebond is entirely ‘biased’ and will only rule for her ‘Favored Parties’ in Litigation (2004-Present)
- Judge Sheri Bluebond has out-of-court communications with litigants so she can rule for her favored parties
- Judge Sheri Bluebond will improperly exclude evidence (on her non-favored parties) in any Trial which involves ‘Favored Parties’ (such as her old buddy Los Angeles Bankruptcy Fraudster Eve Karasik)
- Judge Sheri Bluebond has her “Favored Parties” in any litigation write “Orders” weeks before a hearing so (fake) Judge Sheri Bluebond can rule precisely for her ‘buddies’
- Judge Sheri Bluebond will create “Bad Law” – upsetting longstanding rules and regulations – without any authority solely to assist her ‘favored’ parties
- Judge Sheri Bluebond relies on convicted felons and known Frauds in Trials (non-lawyers) while demeaning reputable lawyers
- Judge Sheri Bluebond has KNOWINGLY misappropriated BILLIONS of dollars in Asbestos Trust Funds (Thorpe Insulation/J.T. Thorpe, Inc) by “signing off” on every Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Annual Report knowing they contain fraud, misappropriated Trust Funds (criminal conduct), and “interested party” (Steve Kazan/Alan Brayton) theft/misappropriation. Yet every year, like a ‘good soldier’ Judge Bluebond just signs off on the Annual Reports (clearly as a payoff for assisting her (fake) selection to the Bench.
- And Finally! Judge Sheri Bluebond’s entire Appointment to the Bench was due to Insider Dealing and Sexual Harassment (w/former disgraced sexual deviant Alex Kozinski). Just look at the facts. No Politician appointed Bluebond. Bluebond wasn’t elected. Bluebond simply applied for the job of Bankruptcy Judge (like you’d apply at Vons, Safeway, or 7-11). She then got “recommendations” from the local community (i.e. her buddies such as Eve Karasik, Thorpe Trust Lawyers, douchebag/corrupt lawyers who KNEW they would be appearing before her is selected)…which gave her an opportunity for dinner and drinks with former Judge Alex Kozinski to see if Bluebond was worthy. Apparently she was….just a few years later Kozinski was deemed a ‘serial sexual harasser’ and undoubtedly Bluebond was ‘willing’ participant….
- Files entirely false State Bar Complaints against lawyers who question her criminal conduct and fraud in an effort to intimidate and retaliate against parties who ‘out’ her as a corrupt Judge (the State Bar closed her sham complaint against me…).
- Has enabled the misappropriation of over $1 Billion to her friends from Asbestos Victims’ Trust Funds (Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc.)
Complaints have been filed with the following in regards to Judge Sheri Bluebond’s Corruption:
- The Department of Justice (ignored because of Plaintiff lawyers funding to Biden)
- The U.S. Trustee (deferred to the Judicial Council)
- Judicial Council (made up of other Judges) – As expected, despite Bluebond’s criminal mischief, these Complaints were rejected. Here they are: Judicial Complaint – Who reviewed it? Former Judge Kozinski – who appointed Bluebond (and presumably sexually harassed her).
- California State Bar – Due to Bluebond’s unethical bias and fraud. Note – Bluebond also filed a State Bar Complaint against ME which was “closed” (since her Complaint was a sham). Bluebond…??Response to Judge Sheri Bluebond’s Sham State Bar Complaint which closed the sham Complaint (filed by Bluebond against Mandelbrot).
There simply cannot be a Judge more corrupt than Judge Sheri Bluebond!
An embarrassment to the Court.
An embarrassment to her family.
An embarrassment to her Temple.
An embarrassment to her friends.
An embarrassment to UCLA.
An embarrassment to the California State Bar.
An embarrassment to the Judiciary.
Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond – Bribery and Insider Dealing are the “Norm” for this Corrupt Judge