
Asbestos Compensation for Victims

Exposure to asbestos can cause various forms of diseases from asbestosis to various forms of cancer including mesothelioma. Exposure to asbestos often occurred in construction trades or industrial sites such as shipyards, refineries, power plants, manufacturing plants, foundries, paper mills, military bases and ships. Additionally, many wives were exposed through their husband’s occupational exposure to asbestos through dust brought home on their work clothes and performing cleaning and laundry in the family home.

Asbestos diseases have a long latency period between exposure and diagnosis. In many cases, the latency period can be up to 40 or 50 years. Many asbestos workers from the 1940’s through the 1980’s are just now showing signs of illness and are being diagnosed.

Asbestos manufacturers knew the dangers of asbestos as early as the 1920’s but actively conspired to keep their knowledge of the hazards of asbestos secret. The dangers of asbestos were uncovered in the late 1970’s after the government stepped in. Many asbestos manufacturers, suppliers and distributors are now willingly negotiating settlements for asbestos victims or voluntarily filing for bankruptcy protection to avoid further lawsuits and instead compensate victims through an Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust.

Today, there are more than 50 active Asbestos Bankruptcy Trusts established with many more to follow.

If you have been diagnosed with an asbestos related disease you need to act quickly to make sure you take care of your medical needs while meeting your financial obligations from any treatment you receive. Compensation from asbestos manufacturers is one way to ease your financial concerns over your cost of treatment and securing your family’s future.

You should contact an asbestos attorney as soon as possible for the following reasons:

1. Mesothelioma is still considered a relatively rare cancer and it is important to receive a second opinion to properly consider your treatment options. Mesothelioma specialists are rare and it may be necessary to travel for these opinions and/or treatments. An asbestos attorney can advise you.

2. Asbestos diseases are subject to the Statute of Limitations, varying by State. In most cases, the Statute of Limitations begins on the date of your first indication of an asbestos disease and expires between one and five years from this date. If you wish to file an asbestos lawsuit or seek compensation from Asbestos Bankruptcy Trusts, it is important you seek legal assistance immediately.

3. Much of an Asbestos Lawsuit or Asbestos Bankruptcy claims are based on what you can recall and details of your work history. If you became too ill or pass away before claims are filed, it would make your case much more difficult to establish how, when, where and to what products you may have been exposed.

For more information on obtaining compensation from the Asbestos Industry, contact an Asbestos Attorney today.

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