(West Law Definition of “Fiduciary” below and “links” to many Alan Brayton (Brayton Purcell) fraud documents below)
Alan Brayton (Brayton Purcell) is the Chairman of the Trust Advisory Committee of the Western Asbestos Settlement Trust (, J.T. Thorpe Settlement Trust (, the Thorpe Insulation Settlement Trust ( and the Plant Insulation Settlement Trust ( These are known as the “Reno” Trusts.
With that role, where he has served for nearly 20 years comes “Fiduciary Duties” to the bona fide beneficiaries of the Trust — not just beneficiaries who are represented by Brayton Purcell — but ALL beneficiaries. With Alan Brayton’s fiduciary responsibilities as Chairman of Western Asbestos Settlement Trust (Western MacArthur) and the other Asbestos Trusts comes the fiduciary duty to disclose KNOWN JOBSITES and EXPOSURES. But Alan Brayton believes these Fiduciary Duties don’t apply to him……
We now have an admission that for decades, Alan Brayton has been CONCEALING Western Asbestos Trust Jobsites and Exposures from Beneficiaries – a clear breach of Fiduciary Dutes:
February 19, 2016 – E-mail from Alan Brayton to hundreds of Asbestos Attorneys:
“There is a lot of client value in legitimate claims against the Reno trusts, and we are prepared to work with you to find that value. While the trusts have “approved” site lists, we have the largest and most complete database of jobsites and exposures for these trusts, and can help you maximize the value of your claims, and to identify claims not on the “approved” list. ” (i.e. “We are concealing sites despite my Fiduciary Duty”)
If there is a ‘fiduciary duty’ to bona fide beneficiaries as Chairman – why has Brayton’s “complete database of jobsites and exposures” for the Western Asbestos, Thorpe and other Reno Trusts been concealed for decades? Fraud. Bad Faith. Insider Dealing. Collusion. Corruption.
Doesn’t Brayton have a duty to beneficiaries to ensure that the “approved site” list is complete? Of course he does! Why is Brayton concealing sites despite his ‘fiduciary duty’? FRAUD.
Brayton’s concealment of job sites REDUCES the number of Reno Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust CLAIMS from other Law Firms from around the Country (since the sites are not on the approved site list and out-of-state lawyers representing beneficiaries are unaware of the sites) and LEAVES MORE MONEY FOR BRAYTON TO MISAPPROPRIATE – This is clearly a breach of fiduciary duty!
And we now have his admission…
This King of Corruption – Alan Brayton – 
An individual in whom another has placed the utmost trust and confidence to manage and protect property or money. Therelationship wherein one person has an obligation to act for another’s benefit.
A fiduciary relationship encompasses the idea of faith and confidence and is generally established only when the confidencegiven by one person is actually accepted by the other person. Mere respect for another individual’s judgment or general trustin his or her character is ordinarily insufficient for the creation of a fiduciary relationship. The duties of a fiduciary includeloyalty and reasonable care of the assets within custody. All of the fiduciary’s actions are performed for the advantage of thebeneficiary.
Courts have neither defined the particular circumstances of fiduciary relationships nor set any limitations on circumstancesfrom which such an alliance may arise. Certain relationships are, however, universally regarded as fiduciary. The termembraces legal relationships such as those between attorney and client, Broker and principal, principal and agent, trusteeand beneficiary, and executors or administrators and the heirs of a decedent’s estate.
A fiduciary relationship extends to every possible case in which one side places confidence in the other and suchconfidence is accepted; this causes dependence by the one individual and influence by the other. Blood relation alone doesnot automatically bring about a fiduciary relationship. A fiduciary relationship does not necessarily arise between parentsand children or brothers and sisters.
The courts stringently examine transactions between people involved in fiduciary relationships toward one another.Particular scrutiny is placed upon any transaction by which a dominant individual obtains any advantage or profit at theexpense of the party under his or her influence. Such transaction, in which Undue Influence of the fiduciary can beestablished, is void.
“There is a lot of client value in legitimate claims against the Reno trusts, and we are prepared to work with you to find that value. While the trusts have “approved” site lists, we have the largest and most complete database of jobsites and exposures for these trusts, and can help you maximize the value of your claims, and to identify claims not on the “approved” list. You will not be disappointed.”
– Alan Brayton e-mail to hundreds of lawyers 2/19/2016 – An admission of a breach of fiduciary duties, fraud and solicitation.
LINK – Articles – Brayton Fraudulent Bankruptcy Claims
LINK – Evidence of Insider Dealing – Snyder
LINK – Fraudulent Kananian Western Default – Brayton’s Fraudulent Claim with the Western Asbestos Trust. He should have been removed as Managing Trustee in 2006.
LINK – BRAYTON E-MAIL LYING TO HIS OWN FIRM – He knows they used temps, boilerplates and a ‘rubber stamp’ of his signature to pass millions of dollars in claims – ARB e-mail re WSJ Article 12-6-06
LINK – PUBLIC RECORD of Brayton Tax Fraud from “ill gotten” gains – Tax Fraud – Brayton
LINK – EVIDENCE OF IMPROPER TRUST PAYMENTS – Annual Reports – Improper Payments
LINK – Extensive Fraud Being Committed at the Western Asbestos Settlement Trust – –13-43677.Objection to Annual Report